Page 8 of Hostile Fates
As if all the fight was leaving her, she replied, “Falling madly in love… with you.”
The way she had stared at Coach tonight, I wondered, was she with regrets, too?
“Char,” Dad’s voice cracked. “Stop it. You’re fucking killin’ me right now.”
Without an ounce of malice, she said, “I guess that makes us even.”
I was too young to understand how Dad knew my mom was finally done. I was too young to know the calmness in her voice was silently screaming to him. Either way, I heard a clunk—that man’s knees hitting the wooden floor. Then I heard that proud man beg, “Charmain, you listen to me right now. I’m not talking to you as a biker or the President of the Steel Stallions. I am speaking to you as your husband—the man that cannot live without you. Tonight has been an eye-opener for me. Please. I’m hearing every single thing you are saying, and I swear, on my mother’s grave, there will never be another woman for me. If you give me one more chance, I will be loyal. Heart, body, and motherfucking soul.” When there was no reply, he pleaded, “Char, babe, please fucking talk to me. Look at me. I’m shaking. Downright scared to death right now.”
She sniffled. “Honey, I’ve never doubted your soul belonging with mine.”
“You bet your fine ass it does. May the Reaper strike me down right now if I’m lyin’.”
Through all the sniffling, Mom actually chuckled. “How can you be so charming yet such an asshole at the same time?”
Without delay, he quickly replied, “A Devil-given talent I swear to no longer use on you.”
Silent moments passed… until Mom presented ultimatums. “That stripper club has to go.”
She barely got to finish her sentence before Dad promised, “Gone.”
Pause… “Club girls?”
He rushed, “Only for my boys and guests. Not one will ever touch me again.” I can only guess Dad had never made that vow before, causing Mom some sort of silent reaction, because he added. “That’s right. You know me. I ain’t no liar.”
She blew out a shaky breath, then asked, “Can I come to the club any time I want?”
“You will have a key and a motherfucking password to my security system by morning. I don’t even care if you want to ‘decorate’ or some shit like that. Any motherfucking thing you want.”
All reservations faded in an instant. I think she hit her knees, too. Breathlessly, she said, “You mean it, don’t you?”
“Charmaine Bryant, without you, there is no Legend. Plain and simple. I am so sorry I’ve been so fucking stupid, but that’s over. This man, on his knees for you, will never take you for granted again. Failing you makes me a failure to everyone else. A shitty dad, a shitty leader for my men—”
“You are a brilliant leader, Legend. Not an imposter. It’s just, you get lost in the image of this biker world. Be more than a cliche persona. Don’t let yourself be held back by your ego. Don’t let young pussy build your self-esteem. Be more than that. Be better than that! Be the man I know you are.”
“I will. I swear it. I’ll make you so fucking proud, babe. If it’s the last thing I do.”
Her next words were muffled, having me suspect they were now holding each other. “Honey, you do make me proud.”
I guess Dad needed Mom to make space for him in this world, too.
After that, there were lots of grateful kisses, and Dad said, “I love you so fucking much, babe.” And sounds of them now on their feet, bumping into furniture and stair railings as they kissed all the way to their bedroom.
The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was their bedroom door shutting. The smile on my face reflected how my heart was beaming. I believed life was about to be as good as it could get.
That fucking day.
Life was about to change, alright.
But in the worst way imaginable.
Chapter two
Daring to Believe
Children have an innocent way of viewing their environment. Every time something new appears, it is a wonderous mystery, especially when this was encouraged. I wasn’t raised to focus on what I didn’t have. Instead, my short-lived upbringing was filled with appreciation for the smallest of things. My up-bringing wasn’t designed so that I would easily recognize the depravity that surrounded me. Therefore, my judgment-free eyes were uninhibited. I saw beauty. I saw grace…