Page 82 of Hostile Fates
Vice’s foot slipped off the gas pedal, causing the truck to shudder. He quickly recovered, but I may have started to hyperventilate by this point. Not sure. My brain was fritzing out. I was gripping the door so tightly that my knuckles were white.
Too lost in memories to notice my reaction, Elle growled, as if pissed for being so degraded, “He did it on a table, in the middle of my fucking engagement gift.” Her breathing was heavy with anger. “After I begged for him to stop, he threatened to let all the men have a go at me next time I spent too much time away from him.”
Over his shoulder, Pops offered me a painkiller and a bottle of water. I hadn’t wanted to miss a thing Elle said but now preferred to be unconscious. That’s why I accepted, swallowing in a hurry.
With what Elle had just confessed, I still wasn’t confident that was the worst Lorenzo had ever done to her. But it was the one that broke her. She had believed she finally had something of her own. That she had a chance at a normal life, as normal as could be expected under such circumstances. Only to be reminded she was nothing but Lorenzo’s slave.
She no longer sounded as angry as she did hopeless when saying, “Through marriage, he wanted eternity with me, but I was going to spend eternity without him. According to his religion, suicide would send me to Hell. I didn’t care since I was already in Hell on Earth.”
The pill not having a chance to kick in, my blood pressure was boiling, imagining her far from this earth after death, but hating her being violated while on it.
I couldn’t stay quiet any longer. “None of those fucking men watching tried to help you?”
Her chuckle was cold as ice. “And pay the price? No way. Lorenzo would find their weakness and exploit it. Violently. And they knew it.”
Chapter sixteen
Holding Clues
Pops, an excellent judge of character, knew Elle had the fire in her heart that was needed to survive the lifestyle of the club. He also knew her presence placed a heavy battle in his lap. Out of all the trafficked girls that had passed through Lorenzo’s hands, Elle was the one he never sold.
But why?
Having nodded off to sleep, I woke with a start when we pulled into a gas station. Dagger quickly told me, “All good. Just a pee break.”
Immediately checking on Elle, I noticed her closing her phone. Not wanting to intrude on her freedom we kept preaching about, I texted Dagger.
She make a call?
Nope. Researched somethin.
She’ll tell you when she’s ready.
Parking the truck, Vice said, “Precious, no names to be used. Keep on your disguise.”
Before exiting the truck, Pops instructed, “Everybody, look alive or end up dead.”
Accustomed to being tailed by security, Elle gave no complaints when three bikers followed her to the restroom. Vice had gone inside ahead of us and nodded that the bathroom was clear as we passed him. He then took post at the gas station’s front door.
I was beyond on edge, about to shoot anyone who dared approach my woman. I had no idea who my enemy was; therefore, all men were considered one.
Outside the restroom, Pops, me, and Dag guarded Elle’s door while Pops whispered, “He kept her, even though she’s living proof of his crimes.” He peered around the little store. “Somethin’s stinky in Denmark.”
Disappointed, Dag teased, “Not sure that’s how that saying goes, boss man.”
He glared at him. “Did ya get my point?”
He winced. “And that you used the word ‘stinky’. I’m not sure I can look up to you anymore.”
Pops punched his arm. “Like we ain’t even-stevens.”
Dagger sighed more disappointment. “In the movie Steel Magnolias, they claim gay men are named Steven—”