Page 99 of Hostile Fates
To encourage her to release me a little more, my hand rubbed the spot I had smacked.
The result was her manic eyes calming to caring ones again.
I licked more, silently apologizing.
The harsh feel of sharp teeth was replaced with soft lips sucking on the one she had been holding captive. Thankful I had made it through another mental landmine, my bottom lip pulled on hers, pleading for her to be tolerant with me.
I whispered, “I’m sorry I was selfish about the song.”
“I never sang that one to him.”
That had me drawing in air, relieved I had another first over Lorenzo. Then I realized that was me being selfish again. I exhaled regret. “Sorry. It’s hard not to get possessive over you.”
Trying to swallow, she told me, “No. That part is perfect. And it’s not why I bit you.” She shook her head, her eyes slamming shut. “It was a mannerism. He— He would… His eyes would roll and close when…” She hissed, lost in her memories.
Wanting her back with me, not in the past with that asshole, I suddenly found myself humming “If Everyone Cared,” hoping she would hear my heart that I was offering in return. I would never sound as good as my dream girl come true, but fuck it. That song was all I had.
Elle’s hiss ended and her mouth fell open with a gentle gasp, then a quiet exhalation. Without opening her eyes, her forehead rested to mine. She whispered, “Thank you.”
Such a powerful moment of silence hung between us.
I never knew silence could be so full of meaning. That quiet moment gave us a chance to reconnect on such a level it should have felt foreign, but instead felt like coming home…
I told Elle, “I want to get home… with you.”
A tear fell from her eye and slid down my cheek as she said, “I feel like I’m already home,” she whispered, “with you.”
There’s something that happens to a man when he hears words like that. His heart grows, fills with emotions it’s never known. “Babe.”
She nodded. “Yeah.” Then kissed me.
If silence was powerful, this kiss was an exploding bomb of rule. And rule me, Elle did.
Heat stirred… I could feel her need radiating from her perfection, capturing my every sense. No thought of mine was not attached to her, whether dark or bright.
If Lorenzo had her so young, before another had ever caressed her right, had she ever known pleasure at all? Or had she only known torture?
This kiss was the answer.
Eyes closed, her lips touched me in a way that said she was enthralled. They explored. They searched. They possessed. It was so personal, I almost felt guilty for being the one who got to feel her like this. The selfish bastard in me knew I’d never let another know her, experience her like this. This part of Elle—this hungry woman—was all fucking mine.
Heavy breaths battled as the heat grew…
She whispered, “You’re so beautiful.”
“Your eyes are closed, babe.”
Refusing to open them, she nodded, her expression exhibiting awe. “Your true beauty is touching me.”
I lay there, dumbfounded by this creature.
Soft lips pressed to mine again as she said, “Thank you for letting me have you like this. I don’t want to hurt you.”
The surreal moment I was experiencing was profound. “If this is you hurting me, feel free to kill me.”
Her fantastic green eyes opened.
I begged, “Just don’t stop kissing me while you do it.”