Page 19 of Hostile Tyranny
I moaned in delight. “Never.”
“Ah fuck. Now ya gone and done it.”
His hips began to surge…
Good Lord. This man started fucking me all over again.
And I inhaled every second of it.
Every. Fucking. Second.
After Legend fell to sleep, I slipped on the t-shirt again and snuck out of the room in search of water. Making it into the big common room of the clubhouse, I jolted to a stop. There must have been ten men sitting about in the dark, all smoking cigarettes and smiling.
Lu asked me, “Is my Prez still alive in there?”
I was thankful for the darkness as my cheeks lit up like cherries.
Dag chuckled, “We’re smoking for him because we know he has no energy to light one up.”
I nibbled on my bottom lip because Legend, indeed, didn’t smoke. He’d just slipped into a deep slumber.
Lynx teased, “If you wanted to make me jealous, there are other ways.”
I eyed him, wondering how clueless he was to his Da’s delicious talents.
The Enforcer, Wings, pointed to a full plastic bag. “We thought water and snacks may be in order for the poor old guy.”
Headed for the bag, I snickered under my breath, “That man is a stallion in more than one way.”
The room exploded into laughter and cheers, such as, “Our man!” and “Steel pipe!” and “He’s back, boys!”
Leaving them to their celebration, I turned to walk away but stopped when Dagger said, “Thank you.” Looking back at another man I now considered a friend, he added, “For being so fucking real that he could finally let someone in again.”
Legend’s doctor telling me I couldn’t have children had us fucking without a care or caution. I haven’t even had time to write in here. Legend has been the soothing ointment on an aching wound of not being able to have babies. I wanted to be like Ma when she was alive, loving her spawn.
“Your mother is gone?” asked Legend, naked in our bed, facing me.
On my side, I was spent from another round of earth-shattering sex. He didn’t seem surprised when I changed the painful subject by asking if he ever thought he’d remarry.
Understanding crossed his expression. “You’re not staying.”
We both knew I couldn’t. The proof was in his answer I coaxed out of him about ever marrying again.
“No,” he said with a compounded sadness. “Because of who I am, any woman with me is a target.”
I nodded, so familiar with that truth.
He nodded, too, realizing I was right about not being able to stay. “I can’t ever go through… that again.”
I explained that I wasn’t naïve. I understood why I hadn’t been outside the clubhouse with him near me or affectionate in public.
“You are so observant.” He curled a strip of my hair around his finger. “You noticed I’ve kept you my precious secret.” A gentle smile crossed his soft, full lips. “I’d love to have you on the back of my hog.” The smile faded and the cold storm began to return. “But if you’re seen there, I couldn’t let you go into the world and search for Maeve. I won’t let you be defenseless.”
To soothe his brewing hurricane, I kissed his lips.
Lu was correct. Legend loves hard. If anything happened to one of his kids, he’d lose his mind, possibly forever.
That’s why I’m terrified to tell him some news.