Page 15 of All of You
Martin wrapped his arm around Rose’s shoulders and pulled her close to him as they continued their walk. He waited for her to step from him, for her to tell him not to touch her, but to his pleasure, she allowed his act. “My father had always told me a man is nothing without his honor. Until he died, I didn’t realize I’d never had honor. I had the titles. The popularity. The cool cars and easy job, but no real honor. Not like him.”
“I’m sorry you lost him,” Rose said, her hand lifted to rest on his.
“I miss him, but I have to wonder if his passing wasn’t his final lesson to me. It made me see the difference in his life, in mine.” He sighed. “So, I started working hard. Putting the effort in and giving a shit.” He grinned as he looked at her. “Realized I had made some pretty big mistakes in my life. Which I’m working to correct.” Their movements stopped, and Martin moved in front of her. They stared into one another’s eyes as he felt that pull again toward her.
“This has been such a better visit here than my last.” Rose backed away from him quickly and moved to the wall, her back towards him.
Martin felt the frustration build in him; his jaw tightened as he remained in his spot. He knew she was nervous, and gaining her trust would take more than a day. Yet, he would be lying to himself if he denied his desire to kiss her and hold her. Licking his lips, Martin started a slow stride toward her, jumping onto the wall, his hands cupped on his lap. “I’m glad.” He said.
“Must be nice to have special private viewing privileges.” She teased. “Am I the first woman you’ve given such honor toward?”
Martin chuckled. “You are.”
“Lucky me.” They looked into one another's eyes again, and though Martin wanted to kiss her, he knew she wasn’t ready.
“Tell me, Rose, what’s been going on in your life since school?” Rose gave a nervous laugh at his question.
“Just opening and working at the bakery.” She replied swiftly, her attention shifted to the skyline before them.
“Seems it’s going pretty well for you. Ever thought of expanding?”
“Often, actually, maybe do some traveling.” She admitted.
“What about the romance front?” He could see the shift in her stance, the way her features grew saddened. He knew she had been married, but what made it end? Had the man been mean? Martin found himself angered by the thought, which he knew was ironic.
“Nothing worth speaking about.” She admitted.
“I could always kick his ass if you wanted.” Rose laughed nervously at his suggestion, hoping it would lighten the tension he felt from her. “Do you want to talk about it?” He asked softly, Rose refusing to look at him.
“Not yet.” Quickly, she turned and started up the hill, leaving Martin alone on the wall.
“Not yet.” He repeated her words with a sigh before he jumped from the wall and sprinted behind her to catch up.
She stood next to his car, her back towards him as he approached. Martin had never been married but knew no divorce ended because the relationship worked. The pain behind her eyes, the crackle in her voice, told him there was something painful in her past. Had he abused her? Had he cheated on her? Had he not shown her the love she deserved?
He wanted to ask but knew better. She still didn’t trust him. Her heart was fragile. He stepped around her and reached for the door, opening it for her to get in.
“Wait.” He quickly stepped before her, her sad gaze connected with his. He saw the nervousness in her features and hated the dimness of light that had shone in her eyes just minutes before. “I know you don’t trust me yet.” He paused. “But, I’m here for you. No matter the topic, whatever you need, from this point forward, I’m here.”
He saw her expression change, one mixed with shock and comfort. He didn’t need her to say anything; he didn’t want her to say anything. Martin took a step back, his hand on the top of the door as he waited for her to get inside before he made his way to his side. He didn’t know what would come of their relationship. Perhaps this would be the last time he would have her in his company. It shocked him that the very thought of that caused him unhappiness.
Shocked. That had been the only word Rose could associate with the date she shared with Martin. He had offered her kindness. He had reached out a hand for forgiveness. He had given her the perfect day of activities she had long forgotten. She started to look at him differently when he seemed willing to be patient when growing close to her. Did he see this as something that could evolve into more? Had he planned to ask her out again? The thought of Martin Brock and her dating caused humorous thoughts to form in her mind. He would never be interested in her in this way. This had to be some twelve-step thing, she thought. She would take it; it offered her hope that not all humanity was lost. Perhaps people could change, she thought.
Martin followed her onto her porch. Rose smiled as she turned to face him. There was something behind his eyes, different than he had so long ago. Her stomach fluttered as though someone tickled her. She knew she had to have the craziest expression on her face with her stare at him. Rose lowered her gaze with a slight chuckle. This made no sense, she thought. Her entire life, she avoided people like Martin because of Martin. She had lost hope in kindness and settled on how her life was. She knew it would be doomed to feel anything for him. After all, he had someone at home. Yet, she stood questioning everything as the desire to keep him around pulled at her.
“I had a lovely night.” She spoke with a soft tone; her gaze lifted back to him.
“It was one of the best I’ve had in a long while.” Rose exhaled with his admission. Could she do this? Could she ignore everything he had done, everything she knew? For her curiosity and wants.
“I’m sorry I left you hanging at the coffee shop, but…”
“But I deserved it.” He quickly inserted over Rose with an arch of her brows and a single nod in agreement.