Page 5 of All of You
“She’s visiting her mom for the weekend.” Rose laughed once more.
“So, the new wife is out of town, and you thought, why not jump over to the ex’s house for a little roll in the hay? I mean, no risk of her getting pregnant, right?” Rose’s voice elevated with anger.
“Why not?” Roy shrugged.
“Why not?” Rose repeated his question.
“You cheated on me. You got another woman pregnant. You left me. And you’re asking, why not?”
“We shared years, no reason we can’t still have that occasionally. It isn’t like you’re getting other offers, and I’ve always liked your submissiveness in bed.”
“Are you kidding me?” Rose felt her blood boil. Has this man lost his mind? He broke her heart when he cheated, but having a baby with another woman destroyed any self-love she had left. Roy had never been a great husband, but he was the best she deserved. At least that was what she told herself through all the lies, the money issues, the cheating.
“If you had given me what I wanted, I wouldn’t have gone elsewhere.” He continued.
“I see.” She nodded her head, her eyes closed tightly as she glanced down. She wouldn’t cry, not in front of him, she thought. She would not give him the power anymore. She would not give anyone that kind of power over her anymore. It had started with Martin and ended with Roy. “You need to go.” She said, her glare focused on him.
“Yeah, guess I should.” He moved around her, his boots heavy against the stones as he grew further from her.
Rose closed her eyes once more; she inhaled a deep breath before pushing it out and turning.
“You’re an asshole.” She blurted out. Roy stopped with his unfazed gaze at her. “I gave you everything. I forgave you repeatedly for your faults and ignored all the warnings and advice people gave me about you. I told myself I couldn’t do any better. You’re the best I will get.” She laughed at her words. “And perhaps you are. But I’d rather be alone than with someone like you.”
“That you will be. Who would want someone like you? Broken in every possible way a woman could be.”
Rose felt her blood boil. She stood tall, her glare fixed on him. “You need to go and never come back. If I see you again,” she paused, “I better never see you again.” Roy never spoke another word; instead, he nodded his head with a grin before approaching his truck.
Rose remained firm, her shoulders rolled back, and her head held high as she watched him drive away. She didn’t know if it would be the last time they saw one another or if she’d be that strong again when faced with him. As the roar of his pickup faded into the distance, she turned and made her way into the house.
Her breathing hitched as she slammed the door and fell against it. What strength she had crumbled as she wailed, sliding to the floor. Being alone scared her, but what reasonable man would want a woman like her? Barren. Large. Imperfect.
* * *
A week had passed since Rose banished her ex. Since she came face to face with her biggest nemesis. Though she wanted to hide away, stay in her house, and let Sarah take care of the bakery, Rose refused to give in. So, she would be alone. So, she would never be a mother. She had her best friend. She had her bakery, and that would have to be enough. The bakery would be her baby. She would nourish it and see it grow to new towns and perhaps even a city. That had become her new dream; at least, that had been what she told herself every day.
“Rose, you've got to share the recipe for these pumpkin cookies. They are just amazing.” Rose smiled at one of her regulars before she handed over the bag full of her newest cookies.
“Now, if I did that, I wouldn’t see you as often.” Rose teased.
“Not true. There are still no bakes, the pecan muffins, the banana bread, the jumbo muffins, the…” Rose laughed as the middle-aged woman rambled on.
“Well, I can’t argue with you there,” Rose said with a broader smile, her gaze lifted at the chime of the bell over the door. It was him; Martin had returned. Her stare looked at him as he approached the counter, and the smile on her face slowly faded.
“Rose?” The woman spoke, and Rose, with her attention returned. “You, okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Not far off,” Rose said with another smile before she made her way toward the end of the counter, her hand placed on her hip and a tilt of her head. “Your gender reveal isn’t ready. If I got the date wrong, I’d happily refund your…”
“No, no.” Martin quickly said. Rose arched her brows and remained silent while waiting for him to tell her why he was there. Though she couldn’t help but admire the man who stood before her, a cruel monster of her past, he had grown into a handsome man. Of course, life had been good to him, the town’s golden boy.
“I wanted to place another order.” He yelled out.
“Two orders in less than two weeks. I’m honored.” She sarcastically stated as she grabbed the notepad from under the counter. “What kind of order are you looking for?”
“Cupcakes.” He replied. Rose waited for more information, but he remained silent.
“Okay, I will need more information than that.” She brought her gaze to his, and something happened at that moment. Her stomach turned into knots. Her breathing grew heavier, and she felt a warmth along her cheeks. Quickly, she lowered her eyes. Why was he looking at her like that, she asked herself.
“Mixed icing, mixed kind.” He answered. “Though, I need the colors to be blue and white.” He quickly added. Rose nodded as she wrote down everything, refusing to bring her gaze back to his.