Page 195 of Hearing her Cries
He couldn't let Oakley live now. Not with what she could say to authorities. She was so bright, so verbally gifted. She could tell them things that would taint, tarnish, everything Gregory had worked for. Even at not quite six.
Destroy his final legacy. Hisgiftto his beloved Denita.
Oakley could tell them what he didn't want them to know.
The damned blue-haired one, with her nose ring and her black clothes—she had to be punished for this, too. For ruining his greatest gift to Denita.Oakleyhad to be punished for this. Someone had to pay.
For Denita.
"Denita!" he yelled her name once.
Just once.
He had loved that woman so much.
Zoey was there. With Denita’s eyes.
Gregory charged.
His shoulder slammed into her, and they both went down to the ground.
He would make thempayfor destroying everything.
For not being what he wanted them to be.
Murdoch heard voices raised.Heard engines. He was in the right place.
He darted behind a van that had the engine running. Standing behind a running vehicle wasn’t exactly smart, but he didn’t have a whole lot of other options. “Nobody move!”
He heard cursing.
The van jerked into reverse.
Murdoch got his ass out of the way.
Then the van pulled out and took off.
He didn’t have a clue how many men were inside it. But the TSP was on its way. They’d probably catch those bastards eventually.
His primary objective was finding his woman and the missing kids. “Zoey! Where in the hell are you, woman?”
“Murdoch! Rear of the garage! Help me!”
He’d recognize that voice anywhere.
Her yell was the sweetest song he had ever heard. He had started to think he wasn’t going to find her in this hellhole that was about to become an inferno.
Dark gray smoke was already starting to fill the garage, mingling with the exhaust from the still idling luxury SUV by the far wall.
He used that SUV for cover. And rounded the front.
There the woman of his dreams was. Trapped in a damned corner by a man as big as Murdoch. On the damned ground. Fighting. Murdoch yelled out. “Get your hands off of her! Now!”
The door behind above where they fought flung open.
Wild red curls were hard to miss, even in the dimming light. Murdoch did a double take.