Page 27 of Hearing her Cries
Oakley just wanted to know she was doing it right.Perfect.
She waited until the green, red, and yellow circle thingy was on his screen so she could get to the internet.
She’d played on the internet before. Lots of times.
Channel TBFN had Prince Rufus and Wonkus McBubbles coloring pages she could color using the mouse thingy. Wonkus drew them for the kids himself! Even though he was the bad guy.
It said so at the end of the movie and told kids how to find them.
Now,thiswas more important.
Oakley went to the box with the mouse thingy.
She had her mommy’s name now. And a real last name.
People can find anything on the internet.
Oakley was going to find her mommy now. Then her mommy was going to come get her and Orion. And take them away forever.
Forever and ever.
She looked at the screen. She’d put in the letters wrong. She made them go away. And started again.
Oakley whispered the four letters when she found them on the keys. Just like she’d learned onScraggle-Popps, when Jilly Silly said how to get on the internet. “Z-O-E-Y.”
She’d tried that before. There were a lot of Zoeys on the internet.
But now, Oakley had a last name. Instead of just the pictures.
She’d asked Nanny where kids got last names. Nanny said from their mommies, if they didn’t have daddies.
Oakley didn’t have a daddy.
She was going to find Orion their mommy.
Or like her grandfather said before,Die trying.
No matter what.
She was his big sister—she had to keep him safe. Especially from Grandfather.
Grandfather was getting even meaner. She was going to get Orion out of here before something really, really bad happened to him, too.
Like it had that lady who lived down the hall while her belly got super big back at Christmas time. Nanny had told them to stay away from her, or else.
Until that lady had just disappeared forever, too.
She looked at the computer.
There was a picture there. Of a lady. A really pretty lady. Lots of pictures.
Oakley’s eyes got really wide.
It was her. The same lady from Grandfather’s pictures.
She clicked on the first one.
There was a police star at the top of the internet page.