Page 32 of Hearing her Cries
Even the lips were the same. Damn it.
Murdoch had gotten inside her head.
It had to have been that kiss. “I’m sorry. I know Melody told me your name, but I was a bit distracted trying to keep sight of my younger sister. She’s only eighteen and tends to get into trouble.” She smiled politely, not missing the flare of interest in his eyes. “I raised her, so I probably hover a bit too much.”
“I have three younger sisters of my own, so I understand,” he said in a voice too much like Murdoch’s for her sanity. She really was going crazy. It was all Murdoch’s fault. “I’m Dr. Anthony Lake. I just moved back to the area. I was in the air force. I met Dr. Alvaro in a field hospital on a joint mission, and he had to patch me back together. He recommended me to Dr. Holden-Deane after my service was up. I have family in the area.” He was a serious kind of man. She liked him, she decided. It was the way he just seemed so calm and quiet. “I wanted to come home to watch my nieces and nephews grow up.”
Then his name registered.
“Lake. You are related tohim, aren’t you?” She studied him far more closely as he whirled her around the floor a bit awkwardly. Yes. The same jawline. The same eyes. She should have seen it before. No wonder he reminded her of Murdoch. It wasn’t her seeing what wasn’t there. “Murdoch.”
“Murdoch is my older brother. I don’t think seventeen minutes gives him that much seniority. But he’s stubborn, so…”
She’d thought she was going crazy, seeing Murdoch everywhere, in every blond man’s face. They weren’t identical, but there was no denying they were brothers now. “You’re his twin. Of course. You resemble each other a great deal.”
“Both of my brothers and I do look alike. How do you know him?”
“We were partners for a few years. Unwillingly, in Garrity.”
“That makes you ‘that damned Daviess,’ then?”
“He’s called me that a few thousand times. Welcome back, Dr. Lake. He talked about you often. And my niece Keller and your niece Marnie are the bestest of friends forever, so I’ve been told. Repeatedly. Marnie is upstairs with Keller now, having a princesses of the hotel sleep-over. Their own room in the family suites and real room service for dinner and a girl movie on the TV. No brothers or sisters anywhere. I believe discussing when they’ll finally get to wear makeup and making friendship bracelets were on the itinerary.”
“Small world. Speaking of…” He twirled her lightly. He was a bit shorter than his brother, she thought. Big, strong, toned. Maybe ten or twenty pounds lighter. Just as hot.
He didn’t make her skin burn where they touched. But he was an attractive man. While she found him very nice—better than most she’d danced with tonight—he didn’t make her heart pound like his twin brother at all.
What had Murdoch done to her? The kiss had only lasted five seconds at the most.
“My brother is right there on the edge of the dance floor. He seems to be glaring at me for some reason. You have a clue why?”
Zoey almost jerked to a stop as a sense of panic hit.Thatwasn’t anything she had expected at all. “He’s here?”
Murdoch’s brother smirked down at her. Yes, the resemblance was strong. “You have a thing for him, don’t you?”
“I do not. And don’t you ever tell him I do either.” She bared her teeth at him in a semblance of a smile. If Murdoch even imagined for a minute she had a thing for him, the man would be more obnoxious and annoying than any other man in the universe. Hands down. Besides, she did not have a thing for Murdoch Lake. And she never would. “I’ll annihilate you. Caine and Rafe are my older brothers, you know. They are the nice ones in the family, not me.”
“Uh, understood. You are a very scary woman, aren’t you, Zoey Daviess?”
“More than you will ever know.”
Then the ass twirled her again—right into the arms of his evil twin brother. Oh, Anthony Lake would pay for that someday. She was going to make sure of it.
Gregory could barely containhis excitement.
They wereextraordinary.
Denita’s daughters. He had even danced with one of them. She was so much like her mother. Even the shape of the mouth was Denita all over again. He almost wept to see her now.
So extraordinary.
She danced nearby, with a blond man Gregory vaguely recognized. No surprise—everyone wished to dance with one such as she.
He had. He had not been able to resist.
Zoey Daviess was close to thirty or so. Thin, but with a grown woman’s body. Just like her mother. The hair had been upswept, but was the same rich dark color her mother’s had been.