Page 56 of Hearing her Cries
Protect her baby, no matter what.
Bonnie barely resisted. Samia was watching her. Cashlyn had just come in to take her own break. Cashlyn called for Bonnie. The man turned. Studied her younger daughter intently before turning back to Bonnie.
His face turned sad…and speculative. The way he was looking at her… “You must just remind me of someone I used to know, then. She was a very pretty lady, too. You favor her quite strongly, especially the eyes and smile, bringing back those memories of beautiful times. If you’ll excuse me, ladies. I’ll leave you to your dinner.”
She watched him walk away. That man was terrifying.
And there was something broken, almost evil, about him now.
Every mom instinct Bonnie had flared when he looked at her girls. Made her want to scoop them up and just run away. To get them to safety and just hide.
Ridiculous, but a part of her wanted to do just that.
“Mom? You ok? You look like you’ve seen a ghost or something,” Cashlyn asked, wrapping one arm around Bonnie’s shoulders.
“I’m fine. Just…a ghost walked across my spine or something. That’s all.”
But when he turned back to look at her again, Bonnie shivered.
That was a terrifying man right there. Absolutely terrifying.
All those hours,wasted.
More than anything he wanted one of Denita’s girls for his own.
Unreasoning anger had Gregory almost destroying everything.
This was…horrific. His greatest nightmare.
He had failed. The final embryo wasn’t viable. He’d done something wrong somewhere.
Orion had been the last of Denita’s embryos forever, then. This phase of his experiments was finished. With the boy.
It was time for him to move on to phase two. To do as he had always planned.
All it would take would be finding the perfect surrogates for Phase II. He had to have perfect surrogates.
Orion’s surrogate, and Oakley’s—both young women had been disposable. Perhaps below average intelligence, and greedy. They had been exceptionally healthy, and that was what he had looked for. Then.
But now…he could find a different kind of surrogate this time. This could be a different manipulated variable.
Perhaps maternal intelligence of the surrogates impacted the womb environment as well? That could be one more factor he could control. Orion and Oakley’s surrogates had been mediocre, and both children were now not quite living up to expectations. There had to be a reason for that he hadn’t discovered yet.
Denita’s eggs, highly intelligent sperm donors—there should be no reason for their lack of perfection.
If he used far superior surrogates with the new set, perhaps the next infants would be more exceptional than Oakley and Orion. Much like the Alvaro twins were far more exceptional than their elder brother Dalton, or their cousin Sweeney—who had both been born of more average mothers?
He could manipulate the surrogate’s qualifications as well. Creating the perfect gestational environment. Yes. That could give this next round of experiments a stronger start.
He would create a child so remarkable, all would watch that child’s progress in awe.
By the time he hit his seventieth birthday, he would have the first of his Nobel Prizes. He would be the success he had always known he was destined to be.
Memories of his father, pushing a damned broom around a factory in Finley Creek most of Gregory’s life threatened to push in. To remind Gregory he had come from nothing. He had risen to greatness through hard work. Years and years of hard work and sacrifice. His and his own mother’s.
Orion shifted in his bed, reminding Gregory of what was important.