Page 87 of Hearing her Cries
“AfterI solve the mystery of my mother, I might just do that.”
Murdoch Michael wasa man on a mission. He had a list of names. Time to hit the place to answer those questions just burning a hole in his head. He’d meant to go on this little quest a lot sooner than five days, but that damned Judge Collins was dragging the court case out longer than Murdoch felt necessary.
At least Murdoch’s part in it.
But hell, the woman had a crush on him, he knew that. Even if she had tried to set him up with her daughter once.
Platonically. That was all, that was all. He hoped.
And since the Garrity library was only open a few hours twice a week, here he was.
“Hey, Gillian,” he greeted the librarian quietly. She was a shy woman, but sweet. She’d married the high school principal a year ago. Now they had their first Gillian-ling on the way. “I am on a quest.”
“Hopefully, I can help. How are you, Sheriff Lake?”
“Good. But I have been in battle with Peach the Fuzz this morning. He’s in the clink now.” He’d been dropped off at home, but Murdoch didn’t think he’d stay there. Peach didn’t seem to like his people very much.
“I think that cat misses Zoey.”
“Me, too.” He missed her, too. Five days was an eternity without her.
“So what are you looking for today?”
“Whatever you can find on…Colesons. Newspapers, microfiches.”
“Ours only go back nineteen years.” She’d told them that before, he recalled. When he and Zoey had been picture hunting.
“I really need further than that. But I’ll go with what I can find.”
She got him what he needed just before the library closed. And it wasn’t much.
“Not even a single photo amongst them.”
“I’m sorry. There really isn’t much. But…it said in Angela Coleson’s obituary here, her father and grandfather made a great deal of medical discoveries. Since they were from this region, another library, a bigger one, might have more in the papers. If stories were picked up by state papers, too. It’s a long shot, but…there could be something in the larger state libraries, especially the capitol.”
“You might be on to something. It’s a new direction. But…seems a bit strange that an entire family’s legacy could just not be anywhere around here now. Weird.” And it made him itchy. Very, very itchy.
“It does. Especially as prominent as the Coleson family.”
Something odd was going on here. It just couldn’t figure out what. But, first chance he had, he was going to track down his pretty nurse Bonnie. That woman might just hold the key to what he was looking for.
Five of thesevenDavischildren had been born at FCGH. In the maternity ward. Maybe. There were still records stating she and Pen had been born in Garrity.
That was a big discrepancy.
FCGH—the hospital her own brother now ran. The man who had been in charge of that hospital at the time of her birth had died more than twenty years ago in a home invasion gone wrong. He and his wife both.
It was still unsolved.
Zoey found that a bit suspicious. It seemed like there were quite a fewunsolvedcases that kept hindering what she was looking for now. Including a vandal and arson at the Coleson Hollow Hope Life Church, a vandal at the Garrity Medical Clinic, an arson fire at the Garrity library, and now an unsolved murder of someone tied to the hospital where she had most likely been born.
She didn’t believe in those kinds of coincidences.
The man who had taken over for Dr. Harold Sahlin after Sahlin’s death was none other than Dr. Daniels. A total man-perv who had preyed on young female interns, physicians, orderlies, and nurses. Now Daniels was in prison on prostitution and money-laundering charges.