Page 90 of Hearing her Cries
Then Blessed Reunions.
Sydney had her driver take her to that lab today, the preciouspackageon the seat next to her.
It was just as well, she decided. It was time to get rid of it. And get rid of the memories. She would have one more stop today, after she dropped the sweatshirt off for comparison.
HisDNA would be on that sweatshirt.
This was just too much.
The hurts? Hell, they just kept coming sometimes.
She’d thought he was her brother-in-law at first. When she’d first seen him in the hotel lobby that night. That Rafe was going to catch her sneaking out.
Then she’d realized who the man was when he’d gotten closer.
She’d been a bit awestruck. Starstruck, even.
She’d made the greatest mistake of her life that weekend. But she would never forget what had come out of it. She reached down, adjusted the bracelet she’d worn for years. She’d probably wear it forever, or one just like it. It served a purpose. She’d worn it since the day it became clear just how vital it was.
The day Pen’s sister Ariella had nearly died, Ariella had worn a necklace with similar computer tech housed inside. The prototype. That necklace had helped save Ariella and seven-year-old Katie’s lives that day.
None of them had ever forgotten that.
Beneath Sydney’s bracelet was a date. And a name. Tattooed on her skin forever. No more than a quarter of an inch tall. But it was there, and it always would be.
The name she had picked out herself, full of hope, love, and excitement, once she’dacceptedthat she was going to be a mother.
That she was going to have that man’s baby and would raise her baby girl to be the kind of woman her own sisters were. The kind her mother had been.Shaelyn Suzanne.And the wordAlways.The writing was so small, but it was a reminder of the baby she would always love.
The baby she had lost. At just over twenty weeks. She was healing. She would beokin time. But she would always remember the hurt.
There were other children out there who werelostright now.
Pen’s brothers and sisters. Children.
They neededherto do this now.
Sydney was going to find them. Make sure they were safe. And somehow, hope it erased some of the hurt that woman’s action had caused.
Even if it meantthis.Meant seeing him again.
Dee Davis had had three sons. She had given them up for adoption—Sydney suspected she’d sold them like she had the others—to a woman named Beth Blackrock Fontaine.
Sydney had taken the search one step further.
And foundhimat the other end of her search.
Him. The one man she so desperately wanted to forget.
Life just shouldn’t work this way.
Sometimes,lifejust hurt too much.
“Scraggle-Popps,Scraggle-Popps! Thinking makes you tops! Scraggle-Popps, learning never stops! 1 and 2, I teach you…count 3 and 4, we’ll learn more—”The song kept going. Then… “Today, Jilly Silly has to write a letter. Can she mail it in time?”