Page 29 of Lavender Moon
“You pick truth because you’re too chickenshit to do anything,” I retort and tilt my chin at her.
“Says the man afraid to dance,” she taunts.
“Ugh,” I grunt, getting to my feet. “I’m going to make you pay for this one,” I grind out.
“Yes!” She gives that double fist pump she’s always done as she slides off her stool and joins me in the walk of doom toward the outside dance floor.
The music blares louder as I open the door and usher Luna through. The DJ is playing some kind of oldie that I’m sure I’ve heard on the radio in Pops’s shop. Luna turns to face me, and taking my hands in hers, shimmies her ass backwards until we’re on the hardwood space.
Swinging our hands between us, she dances horribly just to annoy me bouncing back and forth while I barely move, giving her my best resting bitch face. My eyes continue to shoot lasers at her as she swishes her hips back and forth before twirling herself under my arm.
One thing I’ve never liked is moving to music. In fact, I despise it. Anytime someone even suggests it, I feel so fucking stupid. Seriously, why couldn’t she dare me to run down the street naked?
The song mercifully comes to an end, fading out and transitioning to something slow, and I see a few guys pull their women close. When I look to Luna, that idea doesn’t seem so bad.
“That does not count,” Luna insists, dropping my hands. “You didn’t even move, I did it all!”
She’s cut off when I swiftly step into her and throw and arm around her back, pulling her securely against me. That same thrill I got when we hugged earlier is back, only this time, I have an excuse to bask in her closeness and her scent a little longer.
“This counts,” I declare and eyeball her, defying her to argue.
“Fine,” she mumbles, and rests her hand on my bicep as I take hold of her other hand.
This is surprisingly nice, and I realize I’m slowly turning us with almost no effort at all.
“So…” I look down at her as we sway in the summer night breeze. “Truth or dare?”
“Truth,” she murmurs, her hand sliding up a little higher on my arm.
It’s no surprise to me that I’m feeling this way with Luna right now. I always knew I would if I saw her again. No matter our past, I’ve always romanticized her and without a single picture of her in my possession, I relied on my memory to keep her face vivid in my mind over the last three years. Now she’s in my arms, moving slowly with me while soft music plays under the night sky. I’m more nervous to ask her this truth than I was to take her dare. But all the feelings I ever had for her have come flooding back – with reinforcements – and who knows when I’ll get another chance?
“Have you thought about me?” I finally ask in a gentle rasp. She stares back up at me, searching my eyes for where this question came from. Showing vulnerability is even harder now after the training I’ve been put through, but I silently will her to understand it came from the love I’ve been carrying for her.
Her eyes dilate, and I see conviction in their depths as she licks her lips before answering, “All the time.”
I let out a breath, and with our bodies pressed together, I can feel her do the same. “Truth or dare?” she asks me, her voice raspy.
I keep looking at her another moment, wondering what would happen if I chose truth just once. “Dare,” I barely whisper instead, praying to God she’ll dare me to do what I want to do more than anything in this world.
“Dare you to kiss me,” she whispers back, and without any hesitation, I lower my head, touching my lips to hers.
Her kiss is exactly how I remember. Sweet. Full. Gentle… and it turns my world upside down. Endorphins swirl in my chest and disperse throughout the rest of my body, and I want more of the high. I part my lips open and she follows suit, as if by instinct. My heart is racing, and just like when we kissed in the lake, it’s the strangest mix of comforting and exhilarating. I’m safe at home, yet I’m on an exciting adventure.
Nothing has ever felt more right, and when I push my tongue into her mouth to stroke against hers, the rest of the world could crumble around us and I wouldn’t be bothered to care. Like a drug addict taking a hit for the first time, I’m immersed. I want Luna. I want her tonight.
* * *
“Fuck, Luna,”Kaleb groans in my ear as his mouth ravishes my neck. The windows of Pops’ old Chevy pick-up are steamed to opaque as I straddle Kaleb’s lap in the driver’s seat. “I can’t believe it’s taken me seven years to get you like this.”
“You’ve wanted this since you were fourteen?” I laugh gently between breaths, leaning back to give him access to my chest. God his mouth feels so good on my skin. It’s soft and hot and every touch of it sends one flash of arousal after another through my body.
“Fuck yeah, I have,” he murmurs against my cleavage.
God, this is the pleasure I’ve been waiting for. After my experience with Kaleb in the lake followed by the immediate heartbreak, I didn’t want my first time to have any emotional ties. So when a make-out session with a guy from my bio class at a party was going well, I let it go all the way. During my reflection time after Carter, I was all the happier I made that choice. The first time was fun, but still, it was a first time. Carter was selfish most of the time, and way too fast.
Right now, with Kaleb… I didn’t know a guy could make both my body and soul feel so good at the same time. When you feel about somebody the way I do about him, it’s like a fantasy come to life, and it’s happening all over you.