Page 61 of Lavender Moon
“No,” this time I mouth the word and try to shake my head but feel my face scrunch up with another flash of pain and realize I have a neck brace on.
Second time in my life, some weird inner voice jokes in the back of my head. I was put in one when I slipped on the dock and almost drowned as a kid.
“Get me some topical anesthetic and a suture kit,” deep voice orders. I’m going to go ahead and guess he’s a doctor now.Just like my dad. Shit. My dad is going to flip a nut when he finds this out. And what the fuck, I need stitches?
“Luna, we’re going to put you under conscious sedation while we reset your bones. It doesn’t involve opioids.”
I feel my body give up and give in, having used its last ounce of strength. I begin to feel every sensation dissolve and melt into the gurney as I attempt one last protest before the darkness takes me. “Don’t call Kaleb… please don’t call Kaleb.”
* * *
I logon to find nothing new in my inbox from Luna. We normally message each other twice a day, every twelve hours or so unless I’m out on a rescue mission, and I always let her know. But my morning email still sits there unanswered.
I let out a heavy sigh, shaking my head and mumbling fuck under my breath. This isn’t like her. I know things happen all day every day to keep people from getting to their emails, but I have a bad feeling.
“What’s wrong with you?” Alex asks from the seat next to me.
“Haven’t heard from Luna since last night,” I raise a shoulder.
“Fuck are you pussy whipped,” one of my other comrades, Jenkins, clips out from my other side, and it makes my jaw clench. He’s good at having his brother’s backs while on duty, but when we’re at ease, he’s one flippant motherfucker.
“Fuck off,” I return in a grumble as I open a message draft and start typing.
Hey, baby,
It’s been a while. I just want to check in and make sure you’re okay. I’m sure you had a busy day of classes, just know your man misses you. Write back when you can so I can have my peace of mind.
“Clingy much?” he digs again as I close out my email. “She’ll get back to you whenever she’s gets off of whatever guy she’s riding–” He doesn’t get to finish his hilarious jab as I’m up out of my seat so fast it topples out from under me.
I grab onto the lapels of his fatigues and haul him up, and his lazy smile as I do so enrages me further.
“Dude, sorry,” he holds his hands up casually, completely unfazed by my sudden assault as Alex braces in arm in front of me and reaches past me with the other to literally pry my hands off of Jenkins.
“Calm the fuck down, K,” he grumbles before jutting his chin at Jenkins over my shoulder. “And Jenkins, what’s your fucking problem, man?”
The asshole shrugs. “Military wives cheat. It’s practically a fact of life. Just trying to help you accept it.”
“Luna is not like that,” I bite out with gnashed teeth. She isn’t. The idea of her sneaking around never even crossed my mind because that’s how well I know her. There’s not a deceitful cell in her beautiful heart, and I’ll be damned if I don’t lay out anyone who tries to put that thought in my mind.
“Neither was my wife,” he confesses, shrugging again with a remorseful headshake. “She was the last person I thought would. But army wives… they get lonely and insecure, followed by impatient.” His face falls as he imparts this knowledge from personal experience.
I get ahold of myself too, gently shaking Alex off, letting him know I’m cool. “I’m sorry your wife cheated, but don’t you ever question mine’s character,” I say in a controlled growl, piercing him with a glare.
He takes a moment, looking like he’s thinking of saying more before clamping his lips together. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs out quickly instead before turning and striding out of the room.
“She’s alright, K,” Alex quietly reassures from behind me. “She probably just got caught up in something.”
I give a barely there nod as I consider this, and will it to be true. She has to be okay or I might as well walk right out onto the front lines right now. And the thing is, I’m not just worried about her. I fucking miss her so bad it causes a tightness in my chest. I had no idea those twice a day emails and occasional video chats were getting me by like regular doses of medicine. I just want to hear from her; hear about how much she hates her pottery class, and how she’s making friends around Coyote Creek. How she drenched herself trying to fix the leaky pipe under the bathroom sink. All of it soothes the cold, rock-heaviness I carry around here every day.
I’m not mad, but until I know she’s okay, I won’t be either.