Page 67 of Lavender Moon
I feel gross and I should’ve showered there at the gym, but I’m eager to get home and see if the gift Kaleb teased me about has arrived, because so far, this Valentines isn’t shaping up to be the best one for my books. It started with no morning email from Kaleb, which was a bummer. I know sometimes his patrols go overtime and so he can’t always get to the office on his post, it’s happened plenty during his deployment. But still, I was looking forward to a sweet, mushy message to start my day off – especially after the hell this week has been.
Two days ago, I had to go to a hearing and testify against Carter. Both my mom and dad were there, and it thankfully didn’t proceed any longer than it had to. But it was still sickening being in the room with that monster. I answered every question and refused to look at him the entire time, even though I could feel the burn of his gaze while he stared at me from my periphery. When it was over, I pushed away from the table and hightailed it out as fast as I could with my parents hot on my heels, and I’ve been trying to forget it ever since. I’ve been hitting it hard at the gym ever since, even today, the day of love or not.
Now, as I park my car in the driveway, I can think of nothing else but curling up in front of Netflix with Buster and hopefully finding that surprise from Kaleb. If nothing else, I hope I at least get a message from him.
I’m just stomping up the front porch steps when a beautiful sight stops me in my tracks momentarily. I can’t believe it. In a pale, pearlescent vase, stands a dozen roses, each in a different shade of purple, adorned with curly strips of purple ribbon. The assortment is breathtaking. I mean it, I can’t take a breath because it’s lodged in my chest where my hand rests, trying to calm the exhilarated rhythm of my heart.
Absently, I set my keys down on the little table to fully take in the beautiful display, caressing a fingertip over the smooth and silky petals. My eyes dart around, taking in each one, and I realize what has been planted sporadically in between the stems - paintbrushes. Brand new paint brushes with beautiful bristles in all different sizes, hide like sweet little secrets between the mass of stems and petals.
Finally, I take hold of the card from its plastic folder and unfold the tiny envelope.
To my wife on our first Valentines Day
Sorry we’re spending it apart.
But I love you, silly girl.
Love, your soldier.
This bouquet couldn’t be any more perfect. It’s everything.
Letting out an elated sigh, I snatch my keys back up and unlock the door. Scooping up the roses, I scramble through the threshold, eager to message Kaleb about how much I love his beautiful gift. I drop my bag just inside the small foyer and kick off my boots before continuing further into the house.
Once in the kitchen, I rush the vase over to the island counter and carefully set it down before hastily whipping off my coat. God, if I could only call him or FaceTime him, or obviously have him here so that I can jump on him. Emailing him will have to do, and I want to do it now, while I’m still giddy and glowing so that it at least comes out in my text. And shit, my phone is… it’s in my bag by the door.
As if to summon me to its whereabouts, I hear my phone start ringing from the foyer and I frolic through the house towards my bag. When I retrieve it from the side pocket, I find an unknown number flashing across the screen, much like the one Kaleb called me from when I was in the hospital.
Oh my God, I wonder if they let him call me today because of Valentines.
I fumble with excitement and almost drop the phone as I swipe the screen and bring the phone to my ear, my smile so wide it’s hurting my face.
“I got your gift, babe, and it’s sooo beautiful,” I swoon into the phone.
“Is this Luna Shane?” I hear a serious and gruff voice on the other end, and immediately I feel dizzy.
“Y-yes?” I stammer, gripping onto the back of a nearby chair. I swear I’m seeing black spots in my vision and the room is tilting sideways as the man continues to talk. I only pick up on certain words as if they’re flying through the air, and I’m only able to grab onto and process select ones.
The is Second Lieutenant Guitierez… the commanding officer of Corporal Shane’s unit…he’s been severely injured…
Severely injured.
Oh my God he’s hurt…Kaleb’s hurt…but sweet Jesus, he’s not dead…or wait… how bad is he hurt? Could he die?
My breath is coming in raw gasps as I try to keep up.
“Wh-what happened, is he okay?”
“He’s stable,” is all I hear before take another sharp breath and let it out, closing my eyes to keep the world from spinning. I only pick up more pieces of what the Lieutenant tells me as I hold a hand over my mouth, trying not to sob in his ear.
Unit was doing a sweep of a nearby town… unexpected explosion… burns… shrapnel… surgery…
My brain finally rejoins the conversation when I hear the man say “... will be transferred stateside in the next two weeks. I will be in touch with updates.”
He’s coming home, oh God, he’s coming home.
“Thank you,” I barely whisper out as we disconnect the call. I only just now realize that I’ve been gripping onto the threshold between the foyer and living room all this time. I let go, allowing myself to slump to the floor. I can feel the flush creeping up my neck and my head still feels disconnected from my body. Shit.