Page 93 of Lavender Moon
Here goes…
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I don’t knowwhy the hell I got in such a tizzy over Kaleb leaving without kissing me. Things have been mostly good the last couple of weeks since we fucked each other senseless on the bathroom floor – and several other surfaces of the house since then.
They haven’t been perfect by any means, as he’s still grouchy as fuck half the time – especially if he doesn’t get a good night’s sleep. While he tries to be my big, tough man, he’s given in and allowed me to be the big spoon so I can rub his back at night as we’re falling asleep. I love the give and take to it as I usually wake up to our positions being reversed, and him waking me up the same way in the mornings.
This morning, however, I must’ve been dead asleep because I don’t remember him trying to do that. Maybe that’s what cued me to get a little upset when he tried to leave. I didn’t wake up in that usual, comforting way, and it threw me off. My eyes opened to an immediate, uneasy feeling, and I just reacted. It happens.
And the difference is, these days he’s more vigilant; self-aware. His demons are still hanging around, but he’s not blindly letting them drive anymore.
After showering and dressing, I lock up the house and get in the car to make the drive to the city for classes. I don’t need gas, but stopping at Colleens little Espresso Hut in the Gas and Grocery lot has become a routine for my class days. I’ve taken comfort in ordering a supersized latte to keep me company on the drive.
I’m just receiving my hot drink and telling Colleen to keep the change when I notice a woman approaching in my peripheral. I tip my head in her direction with a polite smile before heading towards my car.
“Luna Shane?” she calls, and I stop and turn to acknowledge her again.
“Yes?” I look her up and down, confused. I don’t think we’ve met before. She’s in her late thirties, I’m guessing, and dressed business-casual in simple black slacks and a green blouse. But the most curious thing about her is the large manila envelope clutched in her manicured hands.
She gives me an oddly pleasant smile as she holds it out towards me, and without thinking, I hold my free hand out to receive it.
“You’ve been served,” she informs me, pulling her purse strap higher up on her shoulder. “Have a nice day.” And then she turns and retreats towards a black sedan with its engine still running.
I feel like my heart has just been hit like a gong, stunning me frozen to this spot in the middle of the Gas and Grocery weathered parking lot.
As in, court papers. Legal papers that contain some kind of order or summons.
This is unreal and I feel dizzy a moment; as if my surroundings on this sunlit morning aren’t even real.
I’m not here. I’m not this girl who just got served legal documents – they must have the wrong girl. I’m… a good girl. Who would want to send me something like this?
I wonder if this is how Carter felt when I filed the no contact order. I hope so, because this feels all kinds of horrible… Carter.
Oh my God, this has Carter all over it.
I shake out of my stunned state and hustle towards my car before I accumulate any spectators. Now this is making sense.
After sliding behind the wheel and slamming my car door shut, I pull my phone out, ready to call Kaleb and let him know immediately what’s in this damn envelope when I open it. He’ll jump on the war path and I’m ready to let him. I know this means telling him what happened while he was gone, and while I’d rather not do it like this, I think we’re both ready to handle it. He needs to know if he’s going to help me through the rest of it.
After placing my latte in the cupholder, I hastily undo the clasp of the envelope and yank out its contents. My eyes frantically dart back and forth over the front page of the stack, looking for any words to jump out at me that will answer my questions as soon as possible. But my confusion torments me further when the top heading reads:
Petition for Dissolution of Marriage
I read it again, a migraine threatening to erupt behind my eyes, possibly from my heart urgently pumping all my blood to my head as I try to comprehend this. But as I skim down the document, I swear my vision blurs in and out of focus.
Petitioner: Kaleb Dominic Shane
Respondent: Luna Rene Shane
That’s my husband’s name. Next to petitioner, he… he filed these papers?
This has to be a mistake. Kaleb had said he wanted – no – he said he thought we should get a divorce a couple of months ago, but he was in a bad place then. He did and said whatever the trauma and stress told him to. Now, he’s turned a corner, or at least… I thought he had.