Page 12 of Daniel's King
I looked at Richard and then over to Jayden who was also giving me a reassuring smile.
“Richard is right. If you would like us to take on this job, then we would be more than happy to help. I will let you liaise with Richard, as he will be heading up the team for this. Now, I think the pair of you could do with some time to talk things through. Richard, why don’t you take the rest of the day off? Perhaps go and see Agnes this afternoon? Sienna and the kids have gone to see Robert and Elizabeth, so it will just be Agnes and Arthur at home. I think it’s time to be honest with them. I won’t mention anything to the team and will leave it up to you when you are ready. But know I will be standing by you when you tell them.”
Richard relaxed next to me again. This was a big thing for him, and I was glad that Jayden was being supportive of him.
“Thanks, Jayden. I will take the rest of the afternoon off, if that’s okay. I will speak to the team tomorrow.”
Jayden got up from his seat and offered me his hand. “Daniel, it was a pleasure to meet you. Just remember we are fiercely protective of our friends, so I suggest you don’t hurt Richard. If you think me and the rest of the guys are scary, you haven’t met our women.”
I let out a nervous laugh as he smiled back at me. I shook his hand, and we said our goodbyes, walking out of his office. Before we could go any further, I stopped Richard.
“I guess we need to talk. Is there somewhere local we could go?”
“There is a quiet coffee shop around the corner. It has tables out the back that we often use to chat about cases. We can go there.”
I followed Richard out of the office and towards the coffee shop he was talking about. The owner immediately recognised Richard and ushered him out towards the back, finding us a table where we could be alone and getting us both a coffee. We both sat there in silence for a while, neither quite knowing how to begin. I reached over and took Richard’s hand in mine, relieved when he didn’t try to pull it away.
“Richard, I don’t care that you told me your name was Romeo. In fact, I quite like that name for you. It suits you. But I do need to know what the story I told you today means for us. I wanted to tell you on Friday. I was going to tell you everything, but I wanted to put things in place first.”
I couldn’t look at Richard as I said the next words. Ones I had never thought I would say to anyone.
“I know it’s quick, but I have completely fallen in love with you, and I’m so sorry.”
For the first time in my life, I could actually feel myself fighting back the tears from the pain and sadness I was feeling. I felt him lift my hand and press his lips against it.
Dare I hope that I had been forgiven?
“Daniel, look at me.”
Slowly I lifted my head and looked into those gorgeous chocolate-brown eyes.
“We all have a past. I might be a virgin when it comes to guys, but I’ve been out with my fair share of girls in the past. Trying to cover up the truth that, deep down, I have known all along. You did what you felt you had to do, and I don’t blame or hate you for that. I also don’t hate you for keeping it from me last night when we met. If you had told me, I would have probably run a mile. But after what we shared last night and the early hours of this morning, I’ve fallen hard and fast for you too. I want to see where our relationship can go. If you still want to, that is?”
Seeing his smiling face as he spoke to me, I couldn’t hold back any longer. At that moment, I didn’t care who saw me. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his and was relieved when he immediately responded by opening his mouth and deepening the kiss.
Finally, I felt good about myself. Felt as though this was what was meant to be. Little did I know that fate was about to deal me the biggest blow of my life.
Chapter Eight
Icouldn’t have been more relieved that everything was now out in the open between me and Daniel. I had held back too many secrets in my life to start the relationship with the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with on a lie. When he leaned in towards me and kissed my lips, I wasn’t going to hold back. I immediately deepened the kiss to show him exactly what I felt for him. I was just pleased we were still going forward with our relationship, even if it was going to be discreet to start with.
All I had to do now was be honest with my friends and family. I was about to put one of those right this afternoon. I was currently driving to Jayden and Sienna’s house to see my mum and Arthur. I was happy that she had finally admitted her feelings towards Arthur. He was a good and kind man, and he loved my mum more than anything. I just hoped they both accepted me for who I was. I wasn’t sure I would survive not being accepted by my mum.
I pulled up outside the house and stopped the car. I could feel myself starting to sweat as the fear of rejection manifested itself within me.
I knew it was stupid. A mother’s love for her son shouldn’t have any boundaries. But they both came from a time when being homosexual was against the law. I was sure they didn’t still hold those feelings and had accepted people of all ethnic and sexual orientations, but this was my mum I was talking about. The panic and worry I was feeling kept growing the more I thought about it.
I sat outside for a moment, deciding whether I should go in or not. I was about to give up on the whole idea and drive back to my apartment, but as I sat there debating what to do, my phone went off. I looked down and saw it was a message from Daniel. I opened the message and smiled to myself. He knew exactly what to say.
No matter what, I will always be here for you.
But I know your mum loves you and will accept you no matter what.
I’m here if you need to talk.