Page 32 of Daniel's King
“Morning, Romeo. Did you sleep well?”
At the sound of his voice, recollections of what had happened last night came flooding back. It hadn’t been a dream. Daniel was here, lying in my bed next to me.
“Morning. Have you been awake long?”
“Long enough to lie here gazing at the gorgeous man asleep on me.”
For the first time in my life, I found myself blushing. No man had ever spoken to me or treated me the way Daniel did. I guessed I really didn’t know how to react or take this kind of attention. Just to make matters worse, he continued.
“Aww. My Romeo looks so sweet when he blushes.”
He gave me a kiss on my already hot and red cheek, making me go completely crimson. I needed to gain my composure, and the only way I could think of doing that was to have some space between us for a while. I didn’t want to run as such, but I needed to get away, just for a moment or two.
“Why don’t you go and take a shower while I make us both some breakfast?”
I could see the smirk appear on his face. He knew exactly what I was trying to do, and I suspected he would try to make things worse than they already were.
“Nice deflection. But wouldn’t you like to join me in the shower,Romeo?”
The way he said my nickname sent shivers down my spine and right to my cock. Especially as he was now breathing and pressing kisses on my neck. He knew exactly what he was doing to me and didn’t care. He moved away, still with the smirk on his face.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t tease you like that. But you do look so adorable when you are flustered. Go on and get us some breakfast, and I will take a shower. I promise not to molest you anymore.”
I watched as Daniel got out of bed and headed toward the bathroom. I still couldn’t get over how amazing he looked naked, and lay there for a moment just admiring his body. Unfortunately, he noticed just as he was going to walk into the bathroom.
“You sure you don’t want to join me?”
I watched as he raised his eyebrows at me and felt myself going red yet again. With a laugh, he continued into the room as I hastily got out of bed to grab a dressing gown and headed out to make us both breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and started grabbing everything for breakfast. I wasn’t the best cook, even after my mum had taught me, but I knew my way around the kitchen. Most of the time, though, I just grabbed something on the way to work. But I did have some croissants and pain au chocolate in the cupboard, so I quickly put them in the oven to crisp them up a bit while I put the coffee on.
I was standing looking out of the window when I felt two arms come around me. I jumped slightly; having not heard Daniel walk into the room, I was surprised when he hugged me. I heard him chuckle behind me as I turned in his arms and was immediately greeted with a kiss on the lips.
“Forgotten about me already, I see.”
I smiled at him before I spoke. “I guess I’m just so used to living on my own, and not hearing you come into the room, I wasn’t expecting a gorgeous man to come up behind me. Sit down and I’ll get your breakfast.”
Before he went to sit down, he placed my hand in his and pressed his lips against mine before he spoke.
“Well, get used to it, because now that I have you, I’m not going anywhere.”
He gave me a smile and stepped away before taking a seat at the central counter in the kitchen. I quickly made us both a coffee and grabbed the pastries out of the oven, placing them in front of Daniel along with a plate.
“How do you take your coffee?”
I couldn’t believe I was asking that question. I had spent a steamy night in bed with this gorgeous guy, and I didn’t even know how he took his coffee in the morning. He gave me a slight laugh before answering, obviously realising what I was thinking.
“White with one sugar, unless it’s a latte. Then, no sugar.”
I finished making the coffee and sat down next to Daniel. For some reason, I needed to be close to him, so I didn’t want to sit across from him. We sat for a moment in silence, enjoying our breakfast. I guessed neither of us was used to spending time with anyone first thing in the morning. Me, because I lived alone, and him because he hardly spent any time with his wife. It was Daniel that finally broke the silence between us.
“I was thinking of popping out later today. I may as well move out of the hotel I was staying in. That is, if you really meant what you said about me staying here?”
I felt him place his hand over mine on the counter as he smiled at me. There wasn’t anything I wanted more than him living here with me.
“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want you here.”
He gave me a smile before he continued. “Thank you. You don’t know what that means to me. I also thought I would call work and say I will work from home for the moment. I don’t really want to face all the questions that will fly my way when people find out.”
I could see on his face that he was worried about what people would think. He gave me a slight smile, and I spoke, trying to put his mind at rest.