Page 38 of Daniel's King
Forcing Katherine to marry Daniel had ruined everything for me. Taken away the only woman I loved, and although we had continued our affair, in the end, it had ruined us. The fact that she’d made me the happiest man in the world by telling me she was expecting my child—and then taken everything away from me by saying she was going to terminate it because she would lose everything—was more than I could take.
I’d had to do something about it. I couldn’t let her murder my child. To most people, it would have seemed heartless that I could kill her, and therefore my unborn child, but if I hadn’t, she would have expected our lives to continue where we left off, and I could never forgive her for what she was about to do.
With her now out of the way, I needed to put the second part of the plan in motion. I needed to make sure that Daniel went down for the murder. With his shares and house, I could then take over both companies and live the life I deserved, the one I should have had with Katherine…and would have had before Daniel came along.
I’d sent Ryan out today to rough Daniel up a bit. Start to get him second-guessing himself and what would be in store for him should he try anything. I was sure he wouldn’t have told a soul he was gay and wouldn’t want anyone to know. Also, knowing he was now seeing someone gave us more ammunition for the police: killing Katherine so he could live his life with Richard.
I was waiting for Ryan to call me. I wanted to know how he had gotten on this morning with Daniel. I also wanted to discuss another part of my plan that I hadn’t mentioned before. Now that I had put the fake will in place, leaving everything to me, I wanted to make sure that Daniel was even more in the frame for Katherine’s murder. If I were to have an accident, and we made it appear that Daniel had caused it, it would give even more ammunition to the police to prove Daniel’s guilt. I just needed Ryan to put everything into place.
I was starting to get impatient. Ryan was supposed to call me at two o’clock sharp. It was nearly five past, and he still hadn’t called. I was just about to pull out my phone and dial his number when it started to ring. Looking down at the caller ID, I could see it was Ryan. I answered immediately, not even giving him a chance to speak.
“What time do you call this? I said I wanted you to call me at two o’clock, not five past.”
I heard him sigh at the end of the phone. This didn’t sound good, or he was just fed up with me ranting down the telephone at him any chance I got.
“I got held up. I happened to have a chance to run into Richard after I dealt with Daniel. I didn’t want to let the opportunity pass me by.”
This was an intriguing situation. Being able to get to Richard as well would unnerve Daniel.
“Tell me everything that happened today.”
I sat there and listened as Ryan explained his encounter with Daniel and then, as he was walking back to his car, he noticed Richard walking towards him, so he barged into him and continued on his way. He knew that once Daniel explained to Richard what happened to him and described his assailant, they would put two and two together and work out that it had to be the same person. Even for his faults, Ryan did come up with good ideas sometimes.
“Excellent, Ryan. You are good for some things. Now, I need you to do one more thing for me, and we need to do it soon.”
I could hear Ryan sigh again. I knew I was pulling him deeper into my plan, but I couldn’t do everything myself. Plus, I needed his computer hacking expertise one more time.
“What do you need now?”
He almost sounded resigned to the fact that he would have to do this, no matter what I said. He was already in too deep to get out of it and would be going down with me if anyone ever found out the truth.
“I need you to arrange a car accident and make it look as though Daniel caused it.”
I knew this was pushing the limits, but I needed to do this. This would be the final act I needed to prove my innocence. I knew the police would be suspicious seeing the will. However, if I were to be involved in a car accident, then it would look as though Daniel murdered Katherine for having an affair and getting pregnant by another man, and then attacked me for receiving everything in her will.
“You heard me. I have a car the same as Daniel’s. I need you or someone you know to cause an accident with me, meaning I need hospital treatment. Then I need you to doctor the surveillance to show Daniel’s numberplate on the car.”
“Do I have a choice?”
“You do, but if want to get paid an extra twenty grand for doing it, you’ll say yes.”
Money was the root of all evil, they said, and I knew that Ryan was desperate for money. There was no way he would say no. Sure enough, the next words from his mouth confirmed it.
“Tell me when and where.”
Chapter Twenty-Three
It was Saturday afternoon, and I was enjoying the weekend with Richard. We’d lain in bed until nearly ten o’clock this morning, just enjoying each other’s company. We hadn’t done anything except cuddle and kiss all night, and I had to say I had enjoyed it immensely. Richard may have wanted to take things further, but I didn’t want to rush things between us. Wanted them to progress organically, so to speak.
Last night was about enjoying touching each other’s bodies without taking things to the next level. Just learning how we liked to be touched and kissed. We may not have taken things as far as coming for each other, but it was most definitely an erotic experience, one of the best I had ever had. I thought Richard had enjoyed it too, judging by the smile on his face when he’d woken up this morning. He had gotten out of bed and made us both a coffee and got some pastries together, and we had enjoyed breakfast in bed. This was how I wanted to spend every weekend morning: in bed with the man I loved, enjoying a lazy breakfast.
We spent most of our time chatting about ourselves and getting to know each other better. I had admitted my love of classical music, opera, and ballet. Although I hadn’t got to go and see any for a long while. I had told him that my favourite wasThe Nutcracker,and despite his groans, I would take him to see it one day.
Now that he had come out to his friends and family, he wanted to show me off to the world as his. So, tomorrow, we were going to visit his mum and her boyfriend. I found it quite funny that a lady in her late sixties had aboyfriend. I wasn’t sure if they had any intentions of getting married, but at their age, did it really matter? Plenty of people lived together without getting married and were still committed to each other.