Page 4 of Daniel's King
I saw a look of worry come over Romeo’s eyes. Perhaps I was moving too fast, or perhaps he thought I meant that I wanted to get to know him more intimately. I sorely did, but not this evening. I had a feeling that my friend sitting next to me was quite inexperienced when it came to being with another man. I knew I needed to put his fears at bay. Coax him along, so to speak.
“I meant just talk. I’m not about to throw myself at you. Although that thought does sound quite enticing.” I gave him a wink and smiled at him.
I wanted him to realise that I was just having a little joke with him, but I was hoping that by the end of the evening, he would realise that I was extremely attracted to him. I could feel my entire body reacting to him, desperate to feel his touch. I had never felt this way about anyone. I just wasn’t sure how he felt about me.
“I think that would be a lovely idea. Let me get the drinks, and I’ll meet you over there.”
I let out a sigh of relief when he spoke. I’d really thought he was going to back out and say good evening and walk out of the bar. But the fact that he was willing to stay gave me some hope.
I walked over to one of the booths and sat down at the back, hoping that Romeo would slide in next to me. I watched as he joked with Bruno. They obviously knew each other quite well. I continued to look as he walked back over to me and placed our drinks down on the table. I almost jumped for joy when he slid in next to me.
“So, let me guess. You work in the city as a stockbroker?”
I was impressed that he had guessed that just from speaking to me for a few minutes.
“Correct. Let me guess, the suit gave me away?”
“You could say that.”
“And I reckon you work with computers. Some form of an analyst.”
“Not quite. I’m involved in computer investigation work. Looking for fake transactions, or people trying to hide money.”
I was impressed. I knew he wouldn’t be involved in anything like me. He didn’t seem the type to work in the city, but still, computer forensics and investigation were impressive.
“That sounds far more interesting than my job, although I have to admit I would be useless at it.”
“The same, as I would lose you a load of money if you let me trade on the stock market.”
“I don’t know. I’m sure you could sweet-talk your way through a few good deals.”
After a while, I could see him start to relax next to me. The worried persona I had met when I walked into the bar had almost vanished. He’d also moved slightly closer to me, to the point that if I’d reached over slightly to my left, I would be touching him. I could see him keep glancing over to me and looking down to my leg. It was almost as if he was trying to decide whether he could place his hand on my leg.
I was desperate to do that too. Eager to taste his lips, but I wasn’t about to do that in here. Not in front of everyone. Firstly, because I didn’t want to embarrass him, and secondly, because I had to be careful myself. I didn’t want to give Katherine any ammunition to be able to divorce me and get everything. I just needed to bide my time. There was no reason for me to make a fool of myself if Romeo didn’t feel the same way about me.
I almost jumped when I felt a hand on my leg. I looked up and saw the mirror image of how I was feeling on his face. I moved my hand and placed it on top of his. I could feel his hand shaking beneath mine. I gave it a slight squeeze, looked up at him, and smiled. I went to remove my hand, not wanting to make him feel too uncomfortable, but as I relaxed my hand and went to take it away, he spoke.
“Don’t. Leave your hand there. It calms me.”
I left my hand there, feeling him relax under me.
Tonight was full of surprises, and I was so grateful to my friend for recommending this place. If they hadn’t, then I would never have found my Romeo.
Chapter Four
As I was sitting here now, I was regretting telling Daniel that my name was Romeo. When he had come up to me at the bar, I started to panic. I couldn’t believe that this gorgeous guy was asking to sit with me. I had seen plenty of other single guys in the bar tonight, and all of them fitted his looks far more than I did.
I just looked like the stereotypical gay man. Soft, effeminate facial features, which wasn’t helped by my smooth flawless skin that I moisturised daily. My long, dark eyelashes almost looked as though I was wearing mascara. I also had a soft and quiet voice, which was a far cry from most of the guys I worked with. It was one reason why I was surprised that no one I knew had ever called me out, especially as most of the time at school, I was labelled thepretty boy, pansyand evenNancy-boyby some of the other boys.
Thankfully, those times had passed and most people were better educated about diversity. If you stood me and Daniel together and asked which one of us was gay, then you would lose any bets that they would suggest me.
When he suggested that we grab another drink and perhaps make ourselves more comfortable in a booth, I almost fell off the bar stool. I still couldn’t believe that he was remotely interested in me. When he left me at the bar, I was surprised at Bruno’s reaction.
“I think someone has found the man of his dreams here tonight. In fact, I’m hazarding a guess that you both have.”
I looked up at Bruno and started to laugh. It was more of an embarrassed laugh than anything else.