Page 43 of Daniel's King
I gave both of the guys a hug and said my goodbyes before I headed back to the apartment…to spend the night alone.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Iwas currently sitting in the same interrogation room that I had been in not three days ago. This time, I knew I wouldn’t be leaving here a free man. Not now that I had been arrested and read my rights. I was waiting for James, my solicitor, to arrive, meaning Callum had to wait before asking me any questions. Not that I would have any answers for him, because I hadn’t done anything wrong. Except follow the demands of my father.
I heard the door open and watched James walk in. He immediately turned to the officer who was standing in the corner of the room and spoke.
“Could you please allow me some time with my client alone, please?”
I watched as the officer walked out the door.
James gave me a smile and sat down next to me. “Now, Daniel, tell me what the hell has gone on. Richard filled me in with some of the details, but I need to know everything.”
I went through everything; luckily, I didn’t have to explain about the arranged marriage, as James had been the one to draw up the contract for me. I went over everything I had already explained to him, along with everything that had happened over the past twenty-four hours. I felt mentally exhausted at the end of it, but I knew it would only get worse once Callum started his questioning.
James sat there for a moment, considering everything I had said and looking at the notes he had taken throughout.
“Well, from the sounds of things, all the evidence is pointing to you. I understand that Richard works for King Brothers Investigation Services. Are they looking into everything for you? If not, then I think we need to employ their services. I know Mason from dealings in the past, and he and his team are very good at what they do.”
I already knew this. It was the reason I had gone there in the first place.
“Yes, they are looking into everything. I had asked for their help in proving Katherine’s infidelity before all this happened. Now that Richard and I have decided to date, Mason has quite clearly stated that the whole senior team will be working to prove my innocence.”
I saw a slight smirk come over James’s face. He, like most of my friends and acquaintances, knew I was gay. He also knew how unhappy I was in my arranged marriage. I knew he would be happy that I had finally found someone to love.
“Well, firstly congratulations on the dating, and second, I’m glad Mason is helping you out. I did say to Richard that I would call him after our meeting to let him know everything and to put together a plan of action. However, knowing Mason as I do, he has probably already called an emergency meeting of his senior team and is doing that right now. I can supply the police with all the information regarding your father’s business and how you have signed to say that you do not want and will not covertly buy any shares in his business. That should put doubt on the will that has turned up. Also, the contract, which I know they already have. We can point out that Katherine was aware that she had no right to your house once the divorce came through or should anything happen to either of you.”
He took a large breath before he continued. I knew this meant that what was coming next wouldn’t be good news.
“The only issue we have regards the pregnancy and now the accident that Kevin Wright is insinuating was down to you. We need to prove that it wasn’t your car that was involved. From what I have heard, he says you drove him off the road and into a wall and lamppost, but your car never actually hit him. This means we can’t use your car as proof there was no accident, or that you didn’t cause it, because there would be no damage on it, by his own admission.”
I’d hoped that the fact that my car was undamaged would prove it wasn’t me who had caused the accident. Unfortunately, with Kevin saying that I had never hit the car, we couldn’t prove anything.
“What do I need to do, then? Do I just answer all the questions honestly, or do I just reply withno commentto everything?”
Again, a smile came across James’s face. I wasn’t sure what he found so amusing about all of this. I’d been charged with murder, for Christ’s sake, and he was smiling.
“I’m sorry, Daniel. I shouldn’t be amused at everything, but that is one question I am never usually asked. Just answer the questions honestly, as you have nothing to hide. If I think the detective is leading you to an answer that may harm your defence, then I will intervene. Now, just breathe and don’t worry. With Mason’s help, we will get this sorted as quickly as possible and get you back to Richard.”
He placed his hand over mine and smiled, this time with genuine care and not through amusement. It did nothing to stop my stomach from constantly churning at the thought of spending what could be a long time in a police or prison cell.
I had been in the police station for over three hours now and had answered all of Callum’s questions. To my surprise, James had never once stopped me from answering any of the questions, maybe because Callum didn’t ask anything that I hadn’t already told him before being arrested.
Callum sat there and stopped the digital recorder from recording our conversation. He looked at us both and smiled before he spoke.
“I have already said this to you, Daniel, but will repeat it with Mr. Forsythe sitting here. Remember, this is totally off the record, and if you repeat it, I will deny ever saying it. I know you didn’t do any of this. It’s so obvious to me that you have been totally honest with me. The issue is, whoever did do this—and I have my suspicions—has put enough evidence in our hands to make sure we arrest you. I have already spoken to Mason and will keep him updated with any information I can. But, as you know, that will be little due to the nature of my job and the fact that an ongoing police investigation is happening.”
I couldn’t blame Callum for doing his job. He had been more than polite and caring throughout all our meetings. I knew he would do as much as he legally could to help my cause, but his hands were tied as much as mine. I just hoped that James and the team at Kings came up with something, and soon.
“Now, Daniel, I’m afraid that you are going to have to be held here tonight. Mr. Forsythe can file for bail, but given the circumstances, I’m not sure it would be granted. But you are, of course, perfectly entitled to try.”
I looked over at James, who just shook his head before speaking.
“I’m not sure it would help your cause if you did, Daniel. I’m sure Detective Stevenson will say that you have been very cooperative with all his questions and the investigation, should it go to trial. The fact that you applied for bail may go against you. It all depends on the judge and jury of the day. I’m sure we are both hoping it doesn’t come to that, but if it does, know I will continue working to prove your innocence. Anyway, that’s not worth worrying about now.”
The last bit of hope I had of going back home to Richard was now gone. The sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach at the realisation that this was real, that I had been arrested for murder and was no longer a free man.