Page 12 of Calavera Society
“Such a filthy little whore, huh? Coveting what you can’t have.”
I turn back to Mateo, “Shut the hell up and fuck me.”
I won’t be shamed. I won’t be embarrassed that I want what I can’t have.
Mateo chuckles as he drops behind me. I return my gaze back to Noah and catch him spitting on Lucas’ asshole before rubbing his condom covered cock over it. He wastes no time before shoving inside the guy. Mateo copies the movement, slamming into me and begins pounding me in sync with Noah. It’s only a matter of time before my orgasm finally slams into me without interruption just as Noah slams into Lucas for the final time, his roar overlapping my scream.
Mateo must’ve finished at the same time too, because he pulls out of me, tossing the used condom before standing and tucking himself away. I stand as well, pulling my jeans up with me and fixing my shirt.
“Looks like it was me being used, but don’t worry princesa, I have a feeling this won’t be the last time we see each other.”
He leans in and kisses my cheek before leaving, going deeper into the woods like a fucking weirdo. I don’t bother stopping him, what’s the point? I don’t know him and he’s crazy if he thinks we’ll see each other again.
“Val! Noah!” I hear Rico yelling at the entrance of the woods, “The cops are here!”
* * *
All of usmade it to the car in time and thankfully Rico had the good sense to leave it parked somewhere unseen from the main road. The ride home was quiet, awkward between me and Noah as we sat in the back seat. Even though I know Noah didn’t see me getting fucked as I watched him fuck someone else, I still felt weird about it.
Thankfully he pulled me to him, the scent of sweat, weed and woods still clinging to him, “I’m sorry about earlier. You’re right, we can’t just jet, but I can’t lose you either, so we’ll figure something out. Maybe I can move to wherever the fuck it is you’re going.”
I nodded my head, deciding not to reply lest I piss him off again. The fact is, I’m not sure him following me is a good idea. Noah doesn’t know my dad. Hell, I don’t even know my dad, so the last thing I want is for Noah to be caught in something he had nothing to do with to begin with.
We get to my house, and I clap both Leroy and Rico on the shoulders before climbing out. Once we’re inside, I immediately notice my mom is laying on the couch with her back to us, twirling her wedding ring between her thumb and forefinger.
Without looking, she says hello to Noah.
“Hey Mrs. C.” He says awkwardly before I grab his hand and pull him up the stairs.
“I’m gonna take a quick shower before talking to my mom. It’s going to be a long night, so don’t wait up for me.” I tell him before snatching up my pajama shorts, tank top and panties.
When I get to the door, Noah stops me, “Hey, Val, we’re good right? You and me?”
I give him a smile, “We’ll always be good.”
We stare at each other, and I can tell there’s something he wants to say but something keeps him from it. I motion to the hallway after a second, “I’ll be quick.”
He clears his throat and drops into his usual spot, the ratty bean bag chair in the corner that I’ve had since I was like five years old. Noah always sits there, especially when he’s rolling blunts which is what he busies himself with now. I close the door behind me and make my way to the hall restroom, looking downstairs only to find my mother still laying in the same spot.
I wonder if she’s drunk.
Once I’m done in the shower, my mind much too anxious to prolong the way I normally do. I slip on my pajamas before brushing through my long black hair. I used to have it short because I’ve always hated when my mom brushed my hair. She literally did not give a fuck if she pulled it in sensitive places, so I begged for it to be cut at my chin.
But then I met Noah, and he complimented the color of my raven hair and since then, I’ve let it grow. I took extra care of it, using rice water to help it grow and stay shiny. Still, it doesn’t mean it's not a pain in the ass, but every time Noah plays with a lock, wrapping it around his finger mindlessly, I’m reminded that the pain is worth it.
Once my hair is tangle free, I quickly part it and hastily do two twisted buns, so I have waves tomorrow, then head back down the stairs, stopping at my door to listen for Noah. I hear him humming under his breath, so I know he’s still awake.
I didn’t tell him about the slap I got from my mom, that shit is between her and me, but I wish I had his perspective on it. Though, I’m pretty sure he’d tell me what I already know; my mom isn’t known for hitting, so if she did it, she’s in a shitty place. Not that she’s excused for it, but I do take her situation, whatever it may be, into consideration.
I make my way to the kitchen, finding the wine she was drinking in the trash with a quarter of it still full. I huff and take it out, rinsing it off before pushing it to the back of the counter beneath the hanging wine glasses.
No need to let an expensive bottle go to waste, especially when it’s the same kind that was served at my mom and dad’s wedding. It’s the only kind she drinks; I understand the nostalgia. Those were better times for her…according to the stories I’ve been told.