Page 22 of Calavera Society
“I’m worse,papito.”
I can’t help it, I laugh, “Me too.”
I press my lips to his in a quick kiss that has him freezing. It’s just what I hoped for as I pull the hunting knife from my boot and hold it to his ribs, pressing hard enough to say what words can’t. Rey lifts up slowly, but I grip his shirt, keeping him in place and smiles before suddenly grinding down on my cock, making me bite back a gasp and groan.
“I can’t stop Valeria from being taken to Coventry, but who said you can’t go too.” He dips his head down and bites my lower lip, the sting making me put enough pressure on the blade to know he’s bleeding now.
He groans, “I think I’m going to enjoy playing with both of you.”
Then he’s off of me, and out of the door before I can even stand.
What the fuck just happened?
* * *
I wakein the morning still feeling tired as hell, as though I spent the last eight hours working out rather than sleeping. I run a hand through my hair only to have my fingers get caught in my twist buns. It’s a wonder I got any sleep with these damn things against my skull…it would explain the massive headache I have. I unravel my hair as I turn to Noah and find him completely dead to the world, the handle of the gun I know he carries peeks out from beneath his pillow. I guess last night and all we learned had him anxious enough to keep the gun within reach as though he feared someone would sneak in and nab me.
I lean down and brush his hair from his forehead, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Silly Noah, the danger can’t touch us here.”
He moves and yawns, making me jump back because hell no to morning breath. When he stretches, his shirt pulls up exposing his delicious lower abs and the mouthwatering V with a line of black hair that travels below his jeans. Why does he have to be so close yet so damn out of reach?
“Danger can touch you anywhere which is why I’m going to pull all my money together and follow you to Coventry.” His deep voice is made deeper with sleep, but it’s his words that make me all warm and stupid inside.
I turn my back to him, so he doesn’t see how his words—innocent in their meaning—affect me in all the wrong ways. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and pull on a pair of pajama shorts before standing.
I’ve never been able to sleep in anything but a tank top and panties, and it’s nothing new to Noah who has slept in my bed more times than I can count over the years. Still, after our bodies began to change, it’s been a wreckage on my hormones.
I remember havingthe talkwith my mom after she began to notice my lingering stares and heated cheeks every time Noah did something that made my insides harmonize like an audience starved opera singer. After that very awkward talk, one that covered everything I had already learned from porn and the girls at school, I did my best to hide my reactions to my best friend.
It seemed to satisfy my mom and kept her from “just popping in” my room at random moments anytime Noah was over.
“What happened to running away?” I ask him as I run my fingers through my wavy hair.
He rubs his eyes, still laying on top of my comforter, “Running isn’t your thing. I’ve never once seen you back down from a fight; it was selfish of me to expect you to do it now.”
I chew on my lower lip as I take in his words. It’s always heart throbbing when I’m reminded of just how clearly, he sees me. Noah knows me better than I know myself sometimes.
“I want you to go with me just as badly, Noh, but I don’t know if my dad will go for it.”
Noah stands from the bed and runs a rough hand through his messy hair, “I don’t give a fuck what he wants, I’m not letting you go to that fucked up cultist town without me.”
“How has this become my life?” I can’t hide the heartache in my voice, the betrayal I feel toward my mom has broken something inside me that burns with intensity every time I think of her. Noah sees that, probably relates to it more than I realize, and it makes me feel even worse.
Noah’s parents literally hate him, they only keep him around for pretenses, a fucking charade that is cruel and unfair…my dad is a dick of epic proportions, but my mom lied to protect me—I think. Still, what a whiny, asshole I must look to Noah.
His big arms wrap around me suddenly, pulling me to his chest, “I know what your mom did was shitty, but I realized last night that she really does love you, Val. Valentina would literally kill for you if she knew you wouldn’t be hurt by the consequences. Shit, for all we know, she probablyhaskilled for you.”
I shove him away, “That’s not even remotely funny.”
He shrugs, fuckingshrugslike killing is nothing at all, “Taking another life for the sake of the one you can’t live without…that’s a kind of love everyone looks for but never finds. But that’s exactly why I want to go with you,” he moves closer again and cups my face, his penny eyes staring deep into my own as though they are trying to relay the secrets he keeps, “because I’d kill for you too.”
We stand in silence, the scent of weed and laundry detergent filling my lungs with each inhale. Of their own accord, my eyes drop down to his lips, remembering how badly I’ve wanted to kiss him since middle school, wishing for a chance to taste–what the fuck am I doing?!