Page 31 of Calavera Society
As Joyce passes me, however, I feel my lip curling in anger.It’s only because Rey thinks he’s gotten one over me,I tell myself.
I shake my head and ignore Rey’s stupid existence as he passes me. No need to acknowledge him anymore than I already have. I can feel Noah’s accusing gaze, but I just slouch in my seat and lean my head against the leather cushion of my seat, replacing my earbuds and pressing play once more. Noah’s stare is practically burning a hole into the side of my head, but I don’t want to look at him right now…I know if I do, I’ll see questions I don’t have answers to.
* * *
I feelmy irritation bubbling just under my skin as I watch Val’s jealousy get the better of her. I know she’ll deny it, but she can’t hide shit from me, her best friend who led her to believe he’s on the other side of the sexual spectrum. Fuck. If I weren’t such a little bitch, I would have told her the truth and she’d be mine by now.
I need a drink, or a pair of lips wrapped around my cock and since there’s no chance of getting my dick wet, I stand and make my way over to the steward station, grabbing the bucket of ice that holds a bottle of some kind of fancy champagne. I’d give a kiss to whoever found me a bottle of tequila and a tray of coke, but this’ll have to do. I don’t think Roberto or even Rey would have such party favors here. I mean, they might, but who the fuck knows.
I grab a glass from the cabinet, pulling it from a clip that holds it and its mates in place so they don’t fall during turbulence or some shit. I pass Rey’s seat, eyeing his still open laptop before dropping back down into my seat. I ignore the words I have no right to spew at Val, and pour a glass of the bubbly shit for her before bringing the bottle to my lips and take a deep drink straight from it.
It sparks on my tongue and down my throat like soda, but the slight warmth lets me know I'm not drinking some bullshit cider.
“I think you should try and drink like a proper gentleman.” Val jokes, but it irks me, nonetheless.
“What, would you prefer me to be more like your stick-up-the-ass stepbrother?”
Her eyes flare with anger and my dick twitches in my pants.
“Of course not, Noh. What's your problem?”
Just then, a loud, feminine moan reaches us. Val tenses but quickly covers it up by picking up her glass and taking a drink. Still, I saw it and I can’t help the bitter grin that lifts my lips.
I’ve watched her countless times walk away with another guy, letting him touch and taste her in ways I never will, so I know covetousness when I see it. Every time Val has given herself away, I’ve found myself doing the same with some guy, imagining that he’s her, but there’s no way to fully cover up the hard edges of a man. I think of her soft clear skin, but the rough texture of a man’s stubble ruins the effect. Yes, I like guys, I love their bodies, the way their deep voices sound in the throes of a hard fuck, the guttural growl they release when they reach the heights, I take them to with each stroke, suck and pounding I give, but when I’m using them in place of my best friend, it’s never as fulfilling.
Knowing my grievances, ones that I technically have no right to have, I sit back and watch with joy as Val struggles to hide her bitterness.
“I wonder what he’s doing to her.” I say aloud, wanting to punch myself for the dig while simultaneously savor Val’s blushing neck, “I bet he’s got her bent over, maybe on her hands and knees, while he’s tweaking her nipples with his fingers.”
Fuck, I hate what I’m doing, but my dick is absolutely loving it.
Val eyes me with a mix of anger and lust, her pupils dilating as she tries to cover up how my words affect her.
“I know a fake moan when I hear one.” She says with a slightly husky voice.
I tip the bottle back once more, drinking more than I normally would to get the burn of the alcohol as I keep my eyes on her.
I lick my lips, smirking when her eyes follow my tongue, “Nah, baby girl, Rey looks like the kind of guy who can give it as well as he takes it.”
My words are meant to egg her on, but I find myself having to ignore the pulsing of my cock with each syllable I speak.
Another moan rents the air, followed by the sound of a slap, “Right now, he’s probably kneading her creamy ass cheeks, spreading them as he watches his slick cock slide in and out of her wet cunt while he puts pressure on his thumb over that tight ring of muscles.”
Val’s face heats so red, it’s almost innocent, but I know how dirty Val can get, not firsthand, but from her own mouth. She’s no virgin, not even close, Val is a kink artist, a natural deviant.
Fuck, what I wouldn’t give, wouldn’t do, for a savage night with her.
Proving my point, Val puts her glass down, her eyes lighting with a challenge.
As she slides her ass to the edge of the sofa, she slowly pulls her jacket off, revealing the strappy halter top she has on that pushes her breast together in a way that has me imagining a pretty pearl necklace made from my cum.
“He may be doing all that,” Her voice, fucking demons in hades, is like sex and depravity, “he may even be fucking that tight ass, but that doesn’t mean it’s pleasurable for her.”
She spreads her knees, her feet flat on the floor as she glides a hand down between her breasts and straight to her jean clad pussy. Her belt chains clink together as she traces the seam of her jeans.