Page 41 of Calavera Society
He shakes me with his anger and pull my foot back, ready to fucking knee him in the balls, but he sees it coming and spins me in place. My back slams against his chest, his fingers still tight around my throat as he growls in my ear.
“He’s a cutter, only he doesn’t do it to himself, and he doesn’t do it for your pleasure. He’s sick and twisted, getting himself off on your tits but only after you’re either dead or close to it.”
My eyes are on Noah who looks as equally pissed at me as he is at Rey for touching me, but still, he does nothing as Rey continues to paint a grisly picture.
“He has killed at least four girls in the last two years, but they are the only ones on record. He’s on medication now, at my coaxing, but even those hardly keep him in check. He hears voices that demand his absolute obedience. He sees things no one else does, hears things you can’t fathom, and follows the orders of his imagined voices.”
Mateo’s words of being loyal only to himself suddenly make a whole new kind of sense to me.
Rey leans into my ear, his lips pressing firmly as he whispers, “He calls them‘They’. You just rode in a car with a murdering ‘schizo because you didn’t like what daddy said. Fucking.Child.”
He shoves me away before blowing out a breath and tilting his head, the bones in his neck popping loud as I rub my throat. I can feel my face burning red with anger, but I don’t bother fighting. This day has completely drained me and all I want to do is get to wherever it is I’ll be staying during this fucked up year and go to sleep.
“This is our dorm house. I put your stuff in the upstairs bedroom.” Noah informs me as though he’s reading my mind. Per-usual. I hope he can hear the angry words in my head.
I don’t thank him, hell, I don’t even look him in the eyes, I just move past him with a glare and shoulder check as I go. I know he’s pissed that I made the stupidest decision to ride with someone I don’t even know—even though I’ve had said stranger’s cock inside me a week ago—but fuck him for not coming to my defense while Rey manhandled me. Yeah, I can handle myself and take care of business, but as my best fucking friend, you’d think the motherfucker would at least speak up like I would have done for him.
“Val!’ I hear him call as I enter the house and take the stairs two at a time. I find my room and slam the door shut, locking it behind me and dropping onto the bed.
* * *
Val ignoresme as she storms into the house and I feel a pull in my chest to go after her, but she needs to cool off. Still, I can’t deny that she royally pissed me off by jumping into a car with someone she didn’t know from Adam. Val can be ado-now-think-later kind of girl, but she’s never been so foolishly reckless. At least not without me. Then again, she hasn’t faced her father since she was a child and the things, she’s learned have shaken the ground she stands on, so I can get the recklessness. Doesn’t mean it still isn’t stupid as shit.
Rey curses under his breath as he passes me on the walkway that leads to the house, but I stop him with a hand to his chest.
“You’re touching me.” He says with a brow cocked, the anger from Val’s actions still evident on his face.
“Yeah, and you’re lucky that’s all I’m doing.” I step closer to him, bringing our faces only inches apart as I stare into his eyes.
“If you ever touch her like that again, I’ll break every fucking bone in your body.”
His laugh is dark and humorless, “I see. So, you have no problem with her being victimized or possibly killed by a complete lunatic?”
“He’s your friend,” I curl my lip at the asshole, “of course I have a problem with it.”
He grips my wrist, squeezing tight enough that my fingers grow numb almost instantly, still I fist his shirt relentlessly.
“I’m friends with a lunatic because I’m worse.” His eyes widen a second as he whispers, “Out of the two of us,Mateois the nice one.”
Using my grip on his shirt, I yank him forward, our foreheads bumping hard, “I said what I motherfucking said you dirty cunt. I don’t give a fuck how scary or psychotic you think you are, touch her again, I fucking dare you.”
I shove him and his smiling face away from me before turning away and jogging toward the house.
“Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it,guapo.” I let the door close on his words and do my best to convince myself that he’s wrong. The truth is though, he’s absolutely right.
I originally stood back because I agreed with Rey’s anger, but the moment he grabbed her neck…my reasons changed. Seeing her vulnerable and at the mercy of Rey made me feel a sick power over her, something I’d never seen nor felt before. Val is a tough girl, a woman who will cut anyone down in a heartbeat no matter whether her opponent can beat her or not, Val never backs down, so when she showed submission -not a trace of defiance in her brown eyes- it was a sight to fucking behold.
I can’t deny that I wanted to see more, that I wanted to see just how far Val was willing to let someone dominate her. I’ve never considered myself a voyeur but, in that moment, my cock just wanted to watch and salivate at the pure fragility Val had shown. It was no help watching how blasphemous Rey’s eyes wracked me up and down as his lips brushed against Val’s reddening cheek.
I felt like a sick man, born wicked and ready to bathe in the light of Val’s shrine. I wanted to drop to my knees and beg for more, demand more…plead like a sinner for more.
I reach the top of the stairs and walk over to Val’s closed door. The house itself is large and very open, more open than I’m used to. There’s almost too much space here.
My parent’s home was maybe half this size with everything cluttered. It wasn’t messy, just packed full of trinkets and pictures of dead family members. Every available space in my childhood home was taken up by this or that. I hated it. I like a simplistic look, clean and tidy yet welcoming and comfortable. This house though…it’s too tidy, too uninviting. Just like the rest of this fucking town.