Page 43 of Calavera Society
“Who is it?” I bark, fully expecting Rey’s voice to come through but am surprised when a girl with red hair sticks comes into the room.
“Hi! I’m sorry to interrupt you, I uh-” she chuckles and adjusts the sleeves on her arms, “Rey sent me. He said he was supposed to be your aid but with the initiation ceremony coming and the semester beginning, he thought it would be best if I took care of things for him.”
She blows out a breath and waits for us to respond, but the bitch didn’t even tell us her name during that winded explanation.
“Okay,chick-with-no-name, where can I get a twenty and a bottle of Sauza?”
Val smacks me on the arm, “Shut it, Noh.”
She steps closer to the girl and holds out her hand, “Hi, I’m Valeria but my friends call me Val. This is my best friend, Noah. What’s your name?”
The girl smiles and it’s then that I really look at her. She’s the same height as Val, only a slightly bit curvier. Her shiny red hair falls in waves around her face giving her a soft doll-like look, she would look incredibly innocent if it were for the massive tattoo around her neck.
She takes a deep breath and places her hand in Val’s, “Nimona Del Toro.”
“You’re related to Mateo?” Val asks as she pulls her hand free making me inch a little closer to Val. Psychotic has to run through Mateo’s family and if this chick is related to him, I don’t doubt for a second she’s as fucking nuts as he is.
“Ah, I see you met my stepbrother.” She rolls her eyes and pulls the sleeves of her shirt down in nervousness, “My parents died a year ago and being seventeen I would have been an orphan, but Mateo’s parents were my mom and dad’s best friend, so they took me in.”
Well, at least she doesn’t have that cunt’s blood running through her, but I still can’t help feeling bad for the girl. After hearing what Mateo has done and is capable of doing, I’m surprised she hasn’t fallen victim to him yet. Hopefully he doesn’t live in the same house as her.
“Shit, sorry to hear about your parents but also glad you had the Del Toro family to help you out.”
Nimona scoffs, “Yeah, so lucky. Anyway, I will be your guide, aid, or whatever you need while you’re here.”
She stands waiting for something, maybe orders or some shit, “So, about that request,” I start when the air feels awkward, “can you get something?”
I’m only partly kidding. After the day I’ve had, I can use some mind-numbing narcotics and alcohol. Shit, I wouldn’t mind staying completely high during our time here.
“Oh, you were serious?” I cock a brow at her while Val folds her lips inward with a chuckle.
“I don’t do drugs, just say no and all that jazz, you know? But I’m sure you’ll find some at the party tonight. Now, I know you both had a long trip here, so I will leave you to unpack and get settled. I’ll be back around eight o’clock and pick you both up. It's a casual affair so wear whatever suits you.”
Val and I give each other looks that say,we would have done that anyway. This may be a new place, new people and different rules, but you got me fucked up if anyone thinks they’ll dictate to me. I may play the game, walk the thin line between right and wrong, I’ll even offer myself up as the lamb, but I’ll be sharpening my knife too. Everything I do, I do it with my own agenda. Rey isn’t the only clever viper in the den of snakes.
Before Nimona can leave, I stop her and ask about the town and what we can expect here.
She looks at the open door before skirting her eyes to us, something screaming at us through her burning green gaze.
“Coventry, like any place, has its rules, the only difference here is our response to breaking said rules.”
She pulls out her phone and begins typing on her phone as she continues to talk.
“Just make sure you brush up on the laws here, it’s not much different from anywhere else, you know, red light means stop, no stealing, etcetera. The basics are all the same, but with traditions in the town, especially with the council, there are a few things expected of you.”
She hands us her phone as she talks, moving around the room while Val and I peer down at the screen.
This house and every room in it are bugged. There are very few places in town where you can speak without fear of being overheard by devices, but if I were you, I wouldn’t even trust that. There are eyes everywhere, ears around every corner. There is always someone who wants grace with the Society. I've heard a bit about you, Valeria, and I know you don’t know anything about us but please, watch your back. Enemies will play the part of an ally and your friends will covet your position to the point of betrayal.
I’m not saying you should trust me because that is your choice to make based on your own judgment, but you honestly can trust me. Rey never would have let someone ruthless like himself get close to you. Here’s my number. I hope you use it; this town needs fresh faces.
As Nimona yaps about certain professors we’ll want to steer clear of, Val and I input her number into our phones and hand hers back.
“Well, you’re right, I’m fucking beat,” Val says once Nimona runs out of words, “and if we’re expected to be at this shindig tonight, we better get some rest.”
I don’t speak, I just stare at the red head, trying to find fault in her, some sign that she’s a cutthroat like the rest of this town. Logically I know that there has to be at least one redeeming soul in this place, and for all I know, she’s that one soul…but I don’t trust people.
I don’t trust anyone but Val.