Page 48 of Calavera Society
“Yeah.” I try to clear my head, but there’s no wiping the look of anger I know marks my face, not completely at least, “Just thinking of all the assholes I’m going to have to bury for getting handsy with you.”
Val’s face flushes red before she chuckles, “Fuck that, don’t stop someone from giving me a good dicking. Maybe then I won’t be so strung out.”
Val turns away, laughing at her own joke, so she doesn’t see the dark look on my face, but Nimona does and one glance at her tells me the bitch sees in me what Val doesn’t…an absolute slave to the impossible.
* * *
The party is exactly what I hoped for; woods, kegs, a bar of top-shelf liquor, hell, I even see some people handing out my favorite party favors for free.
I think I just fell in love with rich people. Wealthy love…is that a thing? It should be.
Still, my mood hasn’t lifted and the constant glare on my face has caused Val to question me any chance she thought Nimona wasn’t listening, but I can tell that little creep—albeit a hot creep—listens in on everything. She said Val could trust her, but I don’t believe that for a second.
“Where should we start first?” Val asks me. Though she’s kind to Nimona and tries to keep her somewhat included in conversations, I can tell she’s unsure of the girl as well. Still, Val has one of those hearts that won’t allow her to make someone feel uncomfortable just because she doesn’t know them.
It’s annoying as fuck.
“The bar is always a good place to start.” I snatch up her hand and begin walking, but of course, Val stops when she notices Nimona isn’t following.
“You coming?”
She gives us a seemingly genuine smile, “Nah, go ahead, I’m waiting for my date to get here.” She blushes before looking around nervously, “He’s one of the elites. I didn’t think he even knew my name, but he asked me to accompany him!”
Accompany? Who the fuck talks like that in real life?
Call me pessimistic as fuck, but I don’t trust anyone who is labeled an elitist. They’re usually pricks and after learning that Nimona was adopted, I don’t have the best feeling about it. Hearing the stories about Roberto, Helena, the Navarros, hell, even Rey’s parentage and adoption, I’m beginning to learn that being taken into a family of important people in this town isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
“Um, yeah, that’s great, ‘Mona.” Val says, using the nickname I coined the girl with, but her tone suggests she’s suspicious of this elitist guy.
“Thanks. Anyway, he told me to meet him by the old church building so we could hang out before joining everyone for the ritual ceremony. If you need me, call me.”
“Where’s the church?” Val asks.
“There’s a trail behind the makeshift bar. It goes through the woods for about two hundred yards.” Nimona turns after giving us a wave, but something has me calling out to her.
“Mona! Are you, I mean, how well do you know this guy?”
Her brows furrow, “Everyone knows him, Noah. His father is on the Council and he’s Quarterback of Coventry’s high school football team.”
“Is he a good guy?” Val questions.
Nimona chuckles darkly, “Coventry doesn’t have good guys, but don’t worry, I’m not a good girl.” She gives us a wink and walks off, reminding us to be at the clubhouse before midnight for the ceremony.
We watch her walk away before turning in the opposite direction. Fuck it, can’t do anything about it. It’s not like we know anyone here to say she’s putting herself in a shitty situation anyway. Hell, we don’t even know her. She could be a serial killer for all we know.
“We’ll take two Coronas with lime and two Jose Cuervo gold shots.” Val says when we reach the bar.
The guy tending is looking down at his phone, wearing a bored as fuck facial expression as he scrolls through social media.
“Got IDs?” He doesn’t look up as he asks the question. Fuck me, even the help is snobby as hell around here.
“Hey, shitface, get off your phone and get us our fucking drinks before I break your fucking thumbs.”
His head snaps up at my not-empty-at-all threat, “Who the fuck—” his words turn into sputtering once he takes in Val, “I mean, I apologize. I shouldn’t have been on my phone. Let me just get those for you. On the house.”
Val and I glance at one another, both of us asking the other silent questions as the bartender quickly but proficiently gets our drinks. Once he sets them down in front of us, I open my mouth to ask him how he knows her, but Val shakes her head and takes the shot glass in hand.
“I don’t even want to know. It’s been a shitty day, lets just get fucked up.”