Page 59 of Calavera Society
I want to place all the blame on Rey, to hold him irrevocably responsible for my actions, but the truth is, I had a choice. Once I knew the ritual story was all bullshit, I could have easily announced myself and told Val we’d been set-up, but the perverted fuck inside me didn’t want to. I was weak and hungry for a taste of that which I’ve coveted for years.
I could have walked away clean, instead I stayed and dirtied my soul.
I wish I could say I sincerely regret my actions, but I don’t—I only regret that my actions are now held above me like the blade of a guillotine with Rey as my executioner.
Just as I walk out of the Calavera house, I spot Rey driving up the street on his black motorcycle. I quickly crouch behind a bush out front and watch as he climbs from the bike. He pulls his helmet off and pulls free his cellphone which was tucked into one of the pockets of his leather jacket.
“What the fuck do you want Rina?” He growls in a frustrated way as he holds the phone between his shoulder and cheek while pulling off his riding gloves.
Of course, that bitch would be calling him, probably sucks him off when he’s in a pissy mood too. I ignore the hint of jealousy coating my thoughts of Rey fucking Rina.
Yeah, I’ll admit it, Rey is one fine piece of ass, but he’s also the devil’s spawn through and through; touching him is equivalent to damming your soul. I don’t know about the rest of the world, but if I’m going to hell over ass, it better provide me with an earth-shattering orgasm before I’m lost to the pits of hell and there’s no way Rey could match up to my standards.
I should probably test the theory though, for scientific purposes of course.
“I already fucking told you,” Rey’s frustrated voice pulls me from my musings, “I’m not interested in helping him, not even for a debt. If your pussy ass boyfriend can’t get through his novice levels on his own, then he’s not worthy of becoming a Calavera member.”
He goes to hang up but decides to throw one more dig at Rina before hitting end. “And stop offering yourself up like you’re some sort of prize; your pussy couldn’t hold a watermelon, much less my interest.”
He hangs up and shoves the phone in his pocket before walking toward the door with all that annoying swagger he possesses. God, I want to trip him just to knock him down a peg or two on his ego ladder.
His phone rings just as he about to open the door and he angrily yanks the phone out, answering before really looking at the screen, “What the fuck do you want—”
His whole-body tenses for a second before he lets out a gravelly laugh that goes straight to my treacherous groin.
“Fuck off, Mat, I thought you were someone else.” His voice fades as he enters the house. I follow after him, watching through the window beside the front door as he makes his way down the hall toward the back of the house where his room is.
I enter and move quickly to the wall where the hallway starts, my eyes glancing toward Valeria’s door as I listen to Rey speak to Mateo.
“I’m just going to take a shower and head that way in an hour. I’ve got some bullshit to handle with Roberto then I’m free after.” He quiets a minute as he unlocks his door.
When his door closes, I rush toward it and press my ear to the wood.
“Yeah, he’s under my thumb now. He can’t do shit about shit if he doesn’t want his precious Valeria to find out it was his greedy mouth eating at her buffet.”
My jaw aches at how casually he talks about last night. How easily he can try to ruin people’s lives or relationships for his own gain. The guy may set my skin on fire and turn my core into an inferno, but he’s one evil cocksucker. I hate that he’s such a predictable asshole, yet I can’t seem to stop the shock from rolling through me each time he does something despicable.
I hear him end the call before the sound of water running through the pipes in the walls greet my ears. I stand in silence, testing the doorknob quietly and finding it unlocked. Of course, the untouchable Rey Calavera would leave his door unlocked while leaving himself vulnerable in the shower. That shouldn’t make my dick pulse, but it does.
Just as music begins, bass thrumming inside his room, Val’s door opens. I quickly step across the hall and crush myself to the wall behind a shelf, feeling like theWishversion of a cat burglar.
I roll my eyes at myself as Nimona bids Val goodbye and walks out the front door of the house. Val’s door closes and I stand still for a second, listening for any sounds that she’s outside of her room. I let out a breath when I peek around the shelf and don’t see anyone. I quickly step to Rey’s door and open it, letting myself in before closing it softly behind me.
I can hear the shower running, water dripping onto the tiled floor is unequal measures like he’s washing his body.
Too bad the asshole can’t wash off his sins.
I move to his dresser, keeping my eyes on the door of the restroom which sits wide open, and slowly pull open drawers. I find nothing inside each one and I can’t help but think he just recently moved here as well. Surely this room isn’t his real home, and if that’s the case, he wouldn’t have anything incriminating here. Still, if I want out from under his thumb, I need to find something on him. Val’s mom said to find secrets and use them and that’s exactly what I plan to do with Rey.
I look around the room, spotting another smaller dresser by his bed, a nightstand with a phone charger sitting on top and a lamp. There’s a book there as well, the cover is gray with the title printed in gold straight down the middle.Warby Robert Greene. Of course, he’d be into Machiavellianism.
I wonder which personalities of the Dark Triad he possesses, probably all three. I mean, I’m not really one to judge, after all, I have been told I show signs of psychopathy, but anundiagnoseddiagnosis doesn’t count.
I pull open the drawer and find it empty except for a box of condoms, leather handcuffs and a bottle of lube.
Fuck, just seeing these items has images of Rey and Val flashing through my mind. What would it be like to have both of them at the same time? I’ve never taken from a guy what I’ve given, never even considered it, but the images in my mind tell me I’m willing to add it to my bucket list. Rey in me, me in Val. Fuuuck. Would Rey be in the middle, would Val?
Whoever said imagination was a curse was probably suffering from the same throbbing pain I’m currently feeling.