Page 73 of Calavera Society
I scoff at him, “Maybe you can’t see through those coke bottle glasses, professor, but maybe you’ll do better with another pair.”
I walk away as his face turns beet red with my mocking tone. Fuck that dude. I didn’t do shit to cause an interruption, he’s just too much of a coward to say anything to Rey. Well, fuck him and fuck this class, I’ll just stick with music. I step out of the room, the doors closing behind me with a bang as I look up and down the hall.
I see Rey turn down a corridor, so I jog to catch up to him but just as I round the corner, I’m grabbed and slammed against the wall.
Rey’s chest presses against mine, sandwiching me against the wall as his breathing comes out harsh and angry.
“Don’t you ever speak to me like that again, do you hear me?”
I grin, “I didn’t take you for a petty guy.” I mock.
He pulls me from the wall and slams me back, my head banging against the brick, sending stars across my vision, but my smile still doesn’t slip.
Rey’s eyes are furious as he glares at me. “You’d do well to remember who fucking runs this town, Noah. I may have let you fuck me, but that’s because I wanted it. You’re still just anobodyunless I say so. How high you reach is completely up to me.”
I chuckle, loving how pissed he is that I’m not giving him the reaction he wants.
“And what do you say I am?” I ask him as I slowly reach for his waist, his anger distracting him from my movements. When I have a hold of his belt loops, he leans into my face, his lips brushing against mine as he growls.
“My bitch.”
I yank his hips forward until he feels my hard cock pressed to his, grinning when I feel the effect, I have on him. I grind against him, giving myself a bit of relief before slamming my forehead to his. He staggers back, a wicked smile slicing across both our faces.
“I’m not a submissive, Rey, I’ll never give you that honor. If you ever try to threaten me or use me against Val, I will fucking end you. Hurt her and I’ll show how well I play this game.”
He spreads his arms wide, that fucking grin widening until the cut on his lip splits open, blood quickly dripping down his chin and staining his white uniform shirt.
I can’t help but notice how well he fits it. The cotton stretches across his toned chest, making me remember what he looks like underneath it.
I fucking hate how hungry he makes me.
Hungry for a fight.
Crazed for pain.
Fiendish for another hard fuck.
“I’d love nothing more than to see you try,chamaco. I’ve always been a sucker for a pretty face like yours, but if you talk to me like that again,” he drops his arms and the smile disappears, “I won’t care where we are, I’ll bend you over and fuck that tight ass in front of everyone.”
“The only one taking a dick will be you, Rey. And trust me, you’ll be begging for another ride.” I don’t take my eyes off him as I reach down and grab my backpack, “Stay the fuck away from Val. Neither of us are good enough for her, but especially not you.”
I turn to leave him, but only a few steps away, his voice laced with venom stops me.
“Unlike you, I have no desire to be good enough for her. I take what I want without asking, and since you’re bent on being her knight, I think I'll enjoy dirtying up your white armor.”
Students begin to pour into the halls as I count in my head for control. The sounds of their shoes and chatter are like a buzz of static, but it does nothing to silence Rey’s dark laughter. I look back as I turn the corner to exit the building, but he’s nowhere in sight.
I don’t have another class for an hour, same as Val, so I decide to text her and see if she wants to eat with me. Maybe go out to one of the little cafés around town.
Val: Yeah! Give me ten minutes, I have to talk to my professor. I’ll meet you at the fountain.
I tuck my phone away and head toward the front of the building. I spot some of the guys who were with Rina at the party near a classic Camaro in the parking lot. One of them, who I’m pretty sure is Rina’s boyfriend, leans against the shiny black fender. His friend says something to him, and he turns toward me, his eyes narrowing like a snake.
I tip my chin up in ayou-got-a-fuckin-problemkind of way, but of course the little bitch just stares. I smirk and continue on my merry fucking way.
“Pinche chavala.” I mumble as I pull a cigarette out and light it. There seems to be nothing but little bitches around here.
I eye the group of jocks—football players to be exact—running plays in the grass.Well, at least they’re nice to look at.