Page 78 of Calavera Society
His words unleash another spasmic release from me, my juices gushing as he slams into me one final time. He spills his hot seed in me as he releases a low rumble from his throat.
As we both breathe heavily, he withdraws from me and fixes my panties, his fingers sliding through our combined releases before coming up to my face.
“Open.” He commands and I listen. He slides his glistening fingers into my mouth, giving me a taste of our heady mixture. I suck on his fingers as he adjusts my breasts, covering me as though nothing happened.
He pulls back, taking his greedy fingers with him and sits back against the seat. I do the same, my eyes glancing out the window to find the driver still standing where I last saw him. Reality begins to set in as I watch Rey fix his suit.What the fuck did I just do?
I realize I said that out loud when his eyes glitter with cruelty before he opens the door and steps out, holding his hand to me.
“You just got fucked by the devil, stepsister.”
* * *
My music blastsin my ears as I drop down on the bench inside the campus gym and rest my elbows on my knees. The wall of mirrors in front of me show me how absolutely exhausted I am, but I can’t quit, not yet at least. If I stop now, I’ll lay awake for hours begging my mind to turn off.
Lately, the war between telling Val and keeping my lies has been screaming louder and louder. I’m not a good liar, not when it comes to someone I love and respect, and it’s been eating at me, but today was the day I decided I’d just tell her. Consequences be damned. I’d rather take her anger at me when I reveal the truth myself rather than take her hate when she finds out through someone else, like Nimona or worse, Rey.
Classes were filled with the usual tension between him and me. We don’t talk, like literally no conversations between us, but the unspoken words hang so heavily in the air that you can practically feel them as they settle on your shoulders.
We pass each other glances, intentional glares that only prove how far we’re willing to go to hide our true thoughts. At least that’s what it feels like. I don’t know what Rey feels or thinks, the guy is a complete enigma, a complex human with calculated words and premeditated actions. Nothing he says or does, as far as I can tell, could ever be trusted as genuine. Expecting anything real with him is like believing there really is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
Still, I can’t shake him or how his mere presence affects me. Rey is like a magnet, one that has been flipped over and won’t allow any others to get close, but I know that’s intentional. He does it purposefully, acts like a total prick that’s too broken for anything deeper than the shallow end of a pool. It’s a cover up for his internal hunger for real connection. I’m not a therapist, but I know what I see in him because it’s in me as well. The only person who was ever able to break through the prison walls around my heart and mind was Val.
You can dress up trauma all you want, but it’ll always be a neon sign to anyone who dresses theirs as well.
I tried to tell myself it’s none of my business, and I’ve done well for the last month, but today I happened to be side eyeing Rey -per usual- as he sat next to me in class, and I caught a glimpse of the scar on his lip. The same one that he had that first day of classes, and I couldn’t stop the question that slipped free.
“Who hit you that day?” I jerk my chin to his lip.
He looked at me, his eyes sliding over my face before replying, “Why? You gonna defend my honor?”
His laugh was humorless as he turned back to the droning professor, something in his response pulled at something in me, reminding me of myself after one of my parents heavy handed life lessons.
“I don’t know about that,” I chuckled thinking there was finally a window opening up between us, “but if you gave me the name, I wouldn’t let a bitch slide.”
And I wouldn’t have. Honest to God, would have found the cocksucker and gave them a few scars in return, but Rey fucked that all up with his answer.
“Really?” he turned to me, a dark malicious look in his gray eyes, “What if it was your mommy, huh? I mean, it’s not like you did anything to that pinche puta when she beat you in front of your daddy? So, tell me, mister protector, how can you defend me when you couldn’t even defend yourself?”
My pen snapped in my hands as I began to shake with fury. I leaned into him, my eyes bouncing between his while venomous words and comebacks raced through my mind, until I realized exactly what he’s doing. Deflecting because he doesn’t want pity. Well, the fucker definitely has zero pity nor sympathy from me.
“You think you got me all figured out. Well, I’m here to tell you, you’re right. You’re so right that it’s like you personally experienced it. So, tell me, mister bullshit, which one scarred your insides? Was it daddy or did mommy enjoy your tears too?”
I knew my words hit their mark when his hands balled up and he was ready to attack, but I didn’t stick around. I grabbed my bag and left just as the bell rang, getting lost in the crowd as I made my way here to the gym where I’ve been almost all night.
I don’t know what Rey’s end game is or what the point of his actions are, but I’m not going to play the pawn in his infuriating games anymore. I’m going to tell Val the truth, all of it. Whatever comes after that, I’ll deal with it, but I am not going to let Rey, or any other motherfucker hold a knife over my head.
Deciding I should just text her now and ask her to meet me tomorrow, I take a swig of my water bottle and catch a glimpse of someone in a mask standing behind me. Before I can jump into action, the asshole stabs me in the neck with something that takes effect almost immediately. I fall to the floor, my muscles lock painfully as though rigor mortis has set in. My water bottle goes rolling across the floor along with my phone, but it’s not like it matters anyway.
As I lay paralyzed on the gym floor, I count the rapid beats of my heart while watching rivulets of water flow from the nozzle of my bottle, until Rey’s voice reaches my quickly fading consciousness.
“See? You couldn’t even defend yourself.”
The last thing I see is a black bag sliding over my head.