Page 84 of Calavera Society
Without breaking the stare, I reach out with my fingers until mine and Valeria’s skin touch. Warmth spreads through me as she responds by turning her hand and sliding her fingers through mine.
Roberto’s mouth turns into a grin that looks part anger, part glee; a game has begun for him.
The fucked-up part is…I welcome it with sick pleasure. A macabre enjoyment no sane person should ever feel, but I’ve never claimed sanity.
My plans may have been altered to keep Valeria at my side as Roberto falls from his throne, but I have no doubt it will be a glorious moment to bear witness to, to have a hand in. What a bold and ironic justice it will be; Roberto’s own daughter plunging the knife in his regime. With Valeria beside me, the bloodline for Calavera will be fully intact, now we just need to get Noah with us.
Seeing as I fucked him over royally, I’m sure it will be a feat.
Finally choosing to address the onlookers who have quieted down now that they’ve noticed mine and Valeria’s locked hands, Roberto spreads his arms wide.
“With only one name, I soothe your worries, ladies and gentlemen.La Muerte.”
I growl under my breath at his answer, knowing exactly what he’s talking about. I can hear others around me whispering their confusion, but they didn’t spend the time I did studying our society of blood, morals and soulful sacrifices. Roberto walks between the people, making his way toward the stairs that will lead him down to us.
Valeria squeezes my hand, “What does he mean?”
Her shaky voice penetrates me in a way that none ever has before. Instead of the power or joy I normally feel when someone I’ve fucked is scared, all I feel is this fucked up need to beat the shit out of Roberto. Why? Because it’s only I who has the privilege to put such fear in my sweet and tempting stepsister.
“Rey?” Valeria whispers harshly, bringing me out of my ridiculous musings.
I look down at her and am shocked at the instinct I have to reach out and cup her face. My thumb whispers across her bottom lip as I do my best to articulate the answer to her question.
“The Calavera Society lives and breathes one rule book:La Ley de La Muerte. In it there is a century ceremony called La Estrella de Medianoche orThe Midnight Starevent. It’s not a natural event in anyway, it has to do with the—”
She interrupts me, shocking me with how easily she puts the pieces together, “It has to do with the only child of the current president. Right?”
I hate the dead sound to her voice, but I don’t bother to sugar coat it. Valeria is a tough girl and as weirdly as I want to shield her, I know only the truth will help.
“Right, and this year will be the two hundredth celebration, and it’s your father who ispresidente. La Muerte’s favor on us must be sustained.”
“What does he plan to do?” She asks mostly to herself.
There’s only one option, only one plan that could possibly be in her father’s mind, but I don’t want to tell her. I don’t want to speak it aloud for fear of making it true.
Roberto reaches the bottom of the stairs and walks toward Valeria and me as he pulls the mask off his face. He hands it to Cain who follows him down and adjusts his suit jacket. I want to pull Valeria behind me as he nears, but it’s bad enough that I showed him my feelings when I took Valeria’s hand in my own. Instead I squeeze her hand and stand taller, my chest swelling when she mimics the movement.
Roberto stops before us, his eyes going from our joined hands to our faces before he stops on me.
“Need I remind you,son,” He gives me that disapproving look that I received on many occasions as a child, “You may not realize it now, but you both stand to lose or gain in these trials.”
I chuckle, not giving two fucks whether I get a smack for it or not, he can get fucked by a cactus for all I care.
“Need I remindyou,” I step closer to him, my chest hitting his as I speak low enough that Valeria can’t hear me, “you stand to lose a lot, and now you’ve just put youronlylegitimate child in the ring with me.”
I move back and smile broadly when his eyes bulge in their sockets, his hand raising like he’s going to deliver another slap.
“Don’t.” Valeria growls at her father, trying to step forward but I hold her still. No way I’ll allow a bitch like Roberto to hit her, even by accident.
Her voice is deceptively sweet from my side, “We wouldn’t want you to look like an easily angered child, would we? Especially not in front of your flock.”
“Such brave words for being a sheep yourself.” He tells her with a sneer.
She leans in with a smile, her words whispered between clenched teeth, “If you lay a hand on Rey, I’ll show you what I am beneath my sheep’s clothing.”
She doesn’t let Roberto speak again. She stands straight and lifts her chin up in defiance as she looks at everyone in the room, her voice coming out clear and confident.
“Humanity spoke and La Muerte answered. I am honored to prove my worth to the men of the Calavera Society.”