Page 9 of My Desire (Mi Deseo)
Keeping my clutch in place while holding the front brake, I start twisting the throttle so my back wheel begins spinning. I use my thighs to move the rear end, leaving a dark tire mark that finally earns me a reaction. The minute he turns on his lights, I slap my visor down and drop onto my seat. I laugh while the cop tries his best to catch up.
It takes me no time to outrun him, especially when traffic picks up closer to downtown. When it’s about the time that the police helicopter will be dispatched, I twist the throttle for all it's worth and truly leave the officer behind.
About a mile away from Bastian’s gym, I spot my brother in my side mirror passing a red light to get to me. Once again, I hit the throttle and weave through traffic, but pull back a little when I hear him revving his motor frantically, his headlight flashing on and off.
I slow down harder, my back tire coming off the ground in a stoppie position for a second as Vicente pulls up. He holds up two fingers and points to his eyes, before pointing over his shoulder.
I look to where he’s signaling and see a chrome 2023 Corvette 3LZ racing through traffic and heading straight for us. Vicente revs the motor, gaining my attention once more. He swipes a finger across his neck and then makes a finger gun.
Fuck, is he saying it’s the cartel men? I nod to him and we hit the throttle once more.
All the joy of being on my bike, feeling the wind on my skin as I race through the streets, flees when we take off. A sinking feeling pulls my heart down to the bottom of my stomach and I'm ambushed by my own thoughts.
Can we outrun them?
Is it Alvaro?
Is my dad dead?
My thoughts speed through my head until something metal hits my brother’s bike, causing sparks to fly and making him jerk to the side.
“They’re shooting!” I yell, despite knowing Vicente can’t hear me through our helmets.
I slow down and weave behind him, blocking him with myself. If these bitches wanna get to my baby brother, they’re gonna have to go through me. We speed up, giving our bikes a hard ride at top speeds. I pray the whole time—something I don’t normally do—that we don’t wreck.
The fucking Corvette is fast as hell—it almost matches our speed. Thankfully, they’ve stopped shooting as they chase us. Still, I can’t figure out a way to lose them. I pull up beside my brother, pointing at my instrument panel, hoping like hell he has plenty of gas.
He looks down and nods, but just before I can think of a way out of thisputo’ssights, another shot rings out and it hits Vicente’s leg, going straight into the gas tank. He screams and jerks to the side, sending his bike into a death wobble before he goes down hard.
I scream as I watch his body tumble across the road, coming to a hard stop when he hits a cement barrier dividing the roads. I kick hard on my brakes and turn back for him, but the Corvette is there before I can reach him, the driver’s door opening.
With my heart in my throat, I duck down low and race toward the open door, aiming for the center. The driver sees me coming and ducks back into the car a second before I hit the door closed.
Hopefully that jams the door shut, giving bystanders the chance to run over and help, buying me some time.
I jump off my bike, not giving a fuck that it drops hard to the side, and run straight for Vicente.
I rip my helmet off when I reach him, relief making me dizzy when I hear his curses and groans.
“Vin!Fuck. Where does it hurt?” I’m scared to touch him.
“Everywhere.” He moans as he tries to pull his helmet.
“Help!” I begin to scream, looking back at the Corvette only to see Alvaro standing beside the heavily dented driver’s door.
“Nobody’s around here,Bruja.”
Fuck me, he’s right. We led him to what might as well be a ghost town. It’s an area where there’s mostly homeless people and the scumbags who prey on them. No one here would help, much less call the cops.
I stand, my helmet hanging from my fist, and stomp over to the bastard. He watches me approach with an eager gleam in his eye.
“Hijo de puta madre!” I swing my helmet at him, which he blocks with his right arm…but he isn’t expecting the kick I deliver to his nuts. He goes down to his knees, the veins in his neck bulging with the pain. I don’t see a gun on him, so with him on the ground, I quickly duck inside the Corvette and search for one. I get one knee on the seat, my hand reaching under it, but come up empty.
“I wouldn’t do that, Vicenta.” Alvaro’s strained and cold voice stops my pointless search. I turn to him, a whimper leaving my lips when I see him holding a gun to my brother’s head.
“What do you want? You already hurt him! Please, just let me call for some help.Please.He’s my kid brother.”
“Get in the car and cuff yourself to the door. Once you’ve done that, I'll call an ambulance.”