Page 32 of Venom and Bind
“You’re definitely not awkward, Soph. Shy, I would say.”
“Yeah, sometimes shy.” She smiled.
“Only sometimes?” I raised my eyebrow, and we both laughed, my cheeks hurting from grinning so much.
“It’s too bad you didn’t get to meet my sister. You would probably love her. She’s super outgoing and funny, the life of the party. Kinda the opposite of me, I guess.” Sophie tilted her head to the side. “You know, it’s funny because we’re twins, and I always think how beautiful she is, but I always feel so ugly compared to her.”
“Aw, Sophie, youarebeautiful. There’s nothing wrong with being introverted.”
“You really think so?” She sipped her wine and reached over to pour herself some more. “My sister is so confident, and people are always so drawn to her. But not me. I’m just so awkward all the time.”
“It’s hard to see ourselves how others do. But you wanna know what I see when I look at you?” I asked. She nodded, her eyes sparkling. “I see a beautiful, strong woman who’s ready to take on the world. You’re smart, talented, and definitely not awkward.”
Her cheeks flushed, and she lowered her head. “Thanks, Nova.” Her eyes glistened and my heart softened for her. “That means the world to me.”
The server came by and dropped off our food. I had ordered five different plates so that we could try all the popular items, and Sophie chatted away about school. Her major was liberal arts, just like her sister’s, but she still didn’t know what she wanted to do after she graduated. She and her sister were thinking about starting a podcast in the meantime, and I thought that was awesome. I told her she would always have a job at the Shiver Box, and if there was anything she wanted to learn, we would help her. That seemed to make her happy.
We were halfway through our lunch when she looked up, her eyes growing big. “Uh-oh, that man is back again.”
My hand flew to my purse where my gun was hidden, and I turned to see Kaviathin walk in with his entourage and take a seat on the opposite side of the room from us. Valik’s demeanor changed immediately, and he took a step forward, his hand on his holster.
“Stop.” I held my hand up to him, shaking my head. I had just gotten Sophie to relax and be more comfortable. The last thing I wanted was to freak her out again.
It shouldn’t have been all that surprising to see him here, considering Sophie had said she had seen him here before. But it was kind of odd, considering the timing. Had he been following us? Well, it was time to find out. Because one thing was for sure, I wasn’t a damn victim, and he needed to know he couldn’t intimidate me.
I tossed my napkin on the table. “I’ll be right back,” I said to Sophie.
Valik stepped forward and grabbed my elbow. “What are you doing?”
“It’s fine. I’m going to handle this once and for all. Stay here. He won’t do anything. Besides”—I patted the gun in my purse—“I’ve got protection.”
He rolled his eyes and groaned. “Cian’s going to fucking kill me if I let you go over there by yourself.”
“I’ll take care of Cian. Just stay here with her so she doesn’t worry.” I glanced at Sophie and gave him a pointed look. He sighed and muttered under his breath about what a terrible idea this was.
I walked over to Kaviathin’s table, my back straight and head held high. I would not give him the satisfaction of thinking he had the power to scare me. Yes, I knew he was dangerous. I had seen that firsthand, but after what I had just been through and all the pent-up rage I was carrying around, maybe he should be the one afraid of me.
He leaned over and whispered something to the man to his right, who glanced up, giving me an odd look. The man nodded at the other men, and the entire table cleared as I approached. Kaviathin stood, a grin on his face when I was within a few feet of him. There was an aura of power around him that would have most people trembling. Not to mention the way he looked with his dark hair and piercing eyes, tattoos covering any exposed skin that I could see. On his hand was a large tattoo with a skull and hourglass, the words “memento mori” over it in dark, bold ink.
“Miss La Roux, this is a pleasant surprise.” He waved his hand at the empty seat in front of him. “Please, join me for a drink.”
I pulled out the chair and sat down. Not because he’d asked me to, but because I needed answers. “Are you following me?”
He threw his head back and let out a laugh that sent a chill down my spine. It would be in my best interest to remember that I was sitting in front of a man who’d shot Cian in the shoulder right in front of me just to prove that he could do it and get away with it. I reached into my bag, his eyes following my every move.
“That won’t be necessary.” He gave me a pointed look, and I withdrew my hand from my purse. “Maybe I should ask why you and your little girl gang keep coming to my restaurant?”
I scrunched up my nose and looked around the room. “This is yours?”
He signaled the server, who rushed over with a bottle of red wine and poured two glasses. I had already drunk two glasses. But fuck it, nothing wrong with a little midday drink to calm your nerves.
“Indeed, it is. So perhaps you’re the one who’s following me, Nova?” He drawled out my name, and I squirmed in my seat.
“That’s ridiculous. My employee just happens to really like the food here.”
He peered over my shoulder and wiggled his fingers at Sophie, who turned beet red and looked at Valik.
“Don’t do that, Kaviathin. You’ll scare her.” I set my lips in a flat line and reached for my glass of wine.