Page 22 of Crash & Burn
“I thought there was a strict no dating rule within the office?” I point out, trying to remain composed.
“Between you and me, that rule really only pertains to Callan. He’s a bit of a heartbreaker, or more, the ladies really love him. Besides, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” Jax licks his lips ever so slightly, and I can smell mint on his breath. He seems like a nice enough guy, but I see right through him. He’s one of those guys who loves being a charmer, knows that he’s attractive and has decided to flaunt it because, why not? And he seems naturally flirtatious, not in a creepy way. He kind of reminds me of Dakota in that way. And I can tell it works for him, but not on me.
Before Jax can get any closer, we’re interrupted by Callan bursting through the door.
“What is going on here?” Jax sits up a little straighter, not scared but enthused. I stay seated in my chair facing forward.
“I was just introducing myself to Sterling,” Jax says with confidence, smiling at me the whole time he responds to Callan.
“Get out, Jax,” Callan demands but I get up instead, mainly because I want to see the look on Callan’s face right now, but also, because I really need to go to the bathroom. As I study him, I’m almost positive I spot a modicum of jealousy, or maybe even anger, flash across his eyes as he looks between Jax and I.
I step out from behind my chair and walk over to the door where Callan is standing. I’m close enough to hear his breathing, slow and calculated, escaping his perfect mouth.
I turn to look back at Jax.
“I’ll consider your offer,” I say, then turn around to look at Callan who is now fully red in the face with anger, his veins bulging out of his neck.
I’d never go out with Jax. He’s not really my type…whatever my type is. But I can’t help but notice the way it makes Callan squirm a bit, not really knowing what I’m referring to and wanting to know why he’s so irascible to begin with.
“What offer?” he asks as his eyes dart between Jax and I.
“I have to use the restroom,” I tell him. “Jax, where are the restrooms?” Jax jumps up off the desk and starts walking toward us when Callan holds his hand out to Jax’s chest.
I finally feel like I have the upper hand. Not that I really need it because I’ve been overthinking this entire interaction with Callan today. But if he’s allowed to make me feel nervous and hot, then I’m allowed to irritate him just as much.
“Down the hall and to the left,” Callan speaks for Jax; he sounds like he’s trying to keep himself from overreacting. I let out a small chuckle under my breath as I turn to walk down the hall, leaving the two of them to deal with whatever weird bro-power-struggle just happened.
What has gotten into me?
SterlingisnotwhatI expected.
I can’t be surprised by Jax’s behavior, though. He flirts with every pretty girl he sees. But Sterling? I can’t tell if she was trying to get a rise out of me or if she just naturally acts like that.
“We don’t date coworkers,”I had to remind Jax, who just responded with a chuckle. Sterling walked back in from the bathroom when I said this to him.
“So, asking where the bathroom is, is considered dating to you?”She’d chimed in leaning against the door frame, and she had said it with so much sass it made my dick twitch.
She kind of confuses me, because the proud audaciousness she showcased today was not what I got from her the first time I met her.
I hate how sexy I find her. It’s going to make my job that much more difficult.
“Of course not. I just want to make sure you are both aware of our company policies.”I was trying to back-pedal and come across as professional as possible. Sterling cut in and assured me she wasn’t interested in dating anyone right now. Thankfully, that put an end to the conversation but also made me feel a weird stab of disappointment.
I don’t know why it bothered me so much to see her flirt with Jax. Maybe because it’s Jax or maybe because it wasn’t me. Either way, I have to remind myself that she is just an employee and I have a business to run.
After showing Sterling around the dealership, and going over a few job duties, I realize it’s nearing five o'clock, only an hour left till we close for the night.
I get a call from an unknown number as Sterling and I settle back into my office.
It’s someone from the moving company. As they talk in my ear, I can’t help but watch Sterling. The way she brushes her hair behind her ears, or how she laces her fingers together in front of her while her thumb stokes her wrist softly. The innocence on her face throws me off, probably because I imagine what she looks like when she’s doing not so innocent things. But that’s the man-in-need thinking. A man who hasn’t had actual sex in probably the longest amount of time recorded for me.
The voice on the other end of the phone pulls me back to reality. “We’ll just need you to sign these last few invoices, then we’ll be out of your hair.”
“I’ll be there shortly.” I end the phone call and direct my attention back to Sterling.