Page 30 of Crash & Burn
“Okay. That’s one stupid rule that you pretty much made up to convince Cora that y’all couldn’t sleep with each other. Though, she still tries.” We both let out a small laugh. “You can screw the rule for one night. One night to figure out why this girl is clouding your brain. Listen, I know I might not seem like I have it all together. Trust me, I am getting kind of tired of this lifestyle too. But I don’t have an obsession with someone like you do and don’t you think you owe it to yourself to figure out why you can’t get her out of your head?” He takes one last sip from his cup before getting up and walking away.Perfect timing Jax, just drop this bomb on me, then walk away.
My mind is all over the place, I should’ve spent this morning preparing for our meetings instead of indulging in whatever the fuck just happened here. This trip definitely didn’t help distance my obsession with Sterling. If anything, it made it worse.
“So, how were your business meetings yesterday?” Sterling shifts in her chair. Jax and I got back to Colorado early this morning. I immediately texted Sterling and asked her to meet me for lunch and played it off like I needed to go over some work stuff with her, which I do, but really, I also just kind of want to sit down with her.Look at her.And figure out why the fuck she’s got such a strong hold on me as soon as possible. This shit is perplexing as fuck, but it’s also a high I want to keep riding.
She’s wearing a red dress that hugs her in all the right places, paired with a black belt around her waist. I love this color on her.Fuck.She looks just like a business professional, especially with her hair tied up in a bun. This look of hers definitely doesn’t help to settle the ache that continues to grow every time I’m in her presence, but I try to think of something else. Like how proud of her I am of how far she’s come from the first day I met her, lost and shy, to now where she has the confidence in her roll at the dealership.
“It went well, but the deal is most likely not going to happen. The owner of the current lot was asking for too much and honestly, it wasn’t that great of a lot to begin with,” I explain. “Some of the investors were bummed but they seem hopeful with the numbers we’re bringing in.”
She sits up even straighter in her chair, as a waiter makes his way towards us.
“Anything to drink?” he asks politely, but he’s staring straight at Sterling. In fact, straight at her cleavage.
“Yeah, I’ll do a whiskey neat, and she’ll have a strawberry daiquiri,” I interrupt just as Sterling is about to speak.
Suddenly, her facial expression changes and I can tell she’s annoyed, but I can’t stand this guy staring at her chest. He nods at me and leaves our table.
“Did you just order for me?” She side eyes me.
“I hope that’s okay,” I offer, but she looks even more uncomfortable.
“Umm, I guess." I think she wants to argue, or say more, but I’m glad she chooses silence. I don’t know why I ordered for her.
I didn’t really bring Sterling here for business, well maybe not the financial kind. I decided to take Jax’s advice and dive deep into why she continues to flood my thoughts from the moment I wake up. But I don’t want her to know that I have some kind of extreme infatuation with her. I don’t want to scare her away.
“Listen, the truth is, I feel like we should get to know each other better. You're my assistant and I don’t think it helps our working relationship if we don’t know each other well.” Sterling crosses her legs as she listens to what I say. She looks a bit confused. Like she wants to say something again but bites her tongue instead.
“It’s a trust thing,” I decide to add, but really, it’s a me thing. I have myself convinced that maybe if I know more about her, I can drop this fantasy of her I’ve conjured up in my head.
“Well, you apparently already know my favorite drink, so what else do you need to know? My favorite song or something?” she deadpans. Being sarcastic is one of those things she does that gets my blood pumping because I know that she’s not usually like this, but I tell myself that I bring that out in her and it turns me the fuck on.
“If that’s what you’d like to share, sure. I think I can guess that your favorite color is red.” I look toward her cleavage by default. “But other than that, I don’t really know much about you.”
I’ll take anything really. I'm hoping there’s something she could share that would possibly explain the gravitational pull I’m feeling or deter me from this sudden obsession.
A waitress comes back in place of our pervy waiter from before and sets the drinks down in front of us. Sterling looks at her and smiles.
“The first rule of trying to get to know someone, don’t just assume their drink order,” she remarks, as she reaches over the table and grabs my whiskey, pulls it to her lips and slams the cup back. The liquid pours down her throat in one solid gulp. Every blood-pumping vein in my body goes cold as heat shoots its way to my cock, aching for me to give it what it desires.That was fucking hot.
Sterling sets the glass down and glares at me behind long lashes, lips pursed, and legs crossed.
“I hate to admit it, but you were right about one thing, my favorite color is red. My favorite song isBring Me To Lifeby Evanescence. I like Chinese food, and I’m allergic to cats, I am afraid of heights, and I love reading. Oh, and this strawberry daiquiri is all yours, since you were so dead set on ordering it.” She slides the fruity drink across the table. “So, what else would you like to know, Mr. David?”
I look Sterling in her eyes, her skin glowing in the dim lighting from above. She’s not even blushing but I can tell she’s proud of herself by the rise and fall of her chest. A necklace hangs low into her cleavage and the only thing I can think of in this moment is how fucking nice it would be to rip the chain off of her neck with my teeth before raking my tongue down her chest. But fuck, if I’m not a prick for that thought.What kind of pretentious asshole just assumes a girl likes to drink daiquiris?This isn’t like me, but this new feeling has me quite confound.
We talk for what feels like hours but has probably only been about forty-five minutes. Opting to order more drinks instead of food, we settle into a conversation that feels natural. I learn a lot more about her. Little stuff, like her favorite movie, which isThe Breakfast Club. Her favorite place to visit is any small town hidden within the mountains. She's lived in Colorado her entire life and has never been anywhere else. When I ask where she’d like to go if given the chance she mentions states like Maine, New York, Washington, and Georgia. I notice the pattern, she likes the aesthetically pleasing sceneries. She tells me she won first place in a spelling bee one time, and I tell her that I built my first go-cart when I was thirteen.
I love the way she laughs, it’s a small chuckle that sometimes turns into a snort and the way her delicate skin bunches over the bridge of her nose makes me feel warm. She tells me more about Sara, the girl she babysits, and I can see how happy she makes her. But when I ask about her family, she freezes up.
“We don’t have to talk about that,” I offer, and she gives me thankful eyes.
“I actually should get going,” she announces, after checking her phone and immediately, I regret bringing up the topic. I was really enjoying this time with her.
“Taking off early for the day?” I joke, knowing damn well I’m not going back to the office after this.
“If that’s okay. I didn’t realize the time and I have a party to get ready for tonight.”
I look at my Rolex as a form of distraction. “A party?” I question playfully. I don’t want our time together to end and I hate that she has other plans stealing her away.