Page 34 of Crash & Burn
I send him my location and right before I go to reread his messages again, my phone dies.Great.
I stare at the ceiling and lay motionless on the bed. I wonder whose room this is. Is it a guest bedroom? Will I ever get an invite to stay over? Will they make it a nursery when they have babies?
I jolt at the sound of the door opening. I can barely move, but I peek up to get a glimpse at whoever is intruding on my drunken daze. A tall, sexy guy who I must not have introduced myself to, stands in the doorway. I try to politely wave at him, knowing my drunk ass probably does more of a flop up and down with my hand. He cracks a smile as he stares at me, eyeing me up and down. I try to get a better look at him, but it feels impossible when I’m seeing double.
I know I’m not seeing things when he closes the door behind him and takes a few steps closer to the bed.
“Oh, sorry. This your room?” I manage to get out. I feel dizzy. Like if I try to move at all, I’ll fall into a black hole.Why did I take so many shots?
My eyelids are heavy and all I can hear is muffled punk rock bumping outside the bedroom door. Finally, the guy standing in the middle of the room responds to my question.
“Not my room,” he says, “But you look like you could be my girl.”
Honestly, I should be grossed out. Homie is cringey as hell. But I still have Callan’s last text racing through my mind. Paired with my inebriation, I may actually give this guy the time of day. Maybe I need to get this out of my system. Maybe I won’t need to keep thinking about jumping my boss’ bones if I sleep with this random partygoer. The last time I had sex, if you can call it that, was with Two-Second-Tom. Yeah, that was a mess. But now I have a chance to get this out of my system, hopefully not remember it and completely forget about my boss. Maybe this guy is my soulmate.Fuck it.
The thought of sitting up to get a better look at him feels impossible, so I attempt to tilt my head up to meet his eyes. His features are hard to make out in the dark room. I shrug and give him a small nod. Before I can even think about changing my mind, I hear his belt buckle jiggling loose.
Irunalmosteveryred light trying to get to Sterling’s location as quickly as possible. From the moment her text came through, I felt the sudden urge to make her my top priority. I expect myself to feel more stressed or overwhelmed, but I honestly don’t mind the adrenaline rush. It’s just how I feel when I’m around Sterling.Alive.
I practically fly up to the house. The street is jam-packed with cars, and I can easily identify which house she must be at, as partygoers crowd the front lawn. I whip into the empty driveway, honking to break up the sea of people standing in my way.
I get through the front door and almost hit three people with the door on my way in. It’s packed. Sterling can’t possibly feel comfortable here, she never struck me as a party girl.
I weave my way through the crowds of people when I hear my name. It’s not the voice I was hoping to hear, but it’s a familiar one. I turn to look when my name is called again.
“Callan, wait!”
I can’t seem to place the voice until I see her face, it’s Stephanie. She texted me for a booty call the other night, but I blew her off. I roll my eyes and turn back the other way, heading towards the kitchen.
“Callan!” She’s following me now and if it weren’t for the sweaty couple basically dry humping in the narrow pathway of people I’m trying to push through, I’d make an escape. Before I know it, Stephanie’s hand gropes my ass.
“Why are you running from me?” she cries, her yellowing bleach hair falling into her eyes as she pouts her fake lips at me.
“I’m looking for someone,” I explain, knowing damn well I don’t need to explain anything to her.
“Well, I’m right here, daddy.” She teases as she drags her fingers down my chest and toward my crotch.That word.I can’t stand that word. I smack her hand away and try to move past her, but she blocks me.
I let Stephanie suck my dick once, like a year ago. Once! That’s it. I let her have a little, but it’s never enough. I hate being chased down by women, yet here I am chasing Sterling around in the same way Stephanie is trying to chase me. The irony.
“I’m not interested, Stephanie.”
“But you need this as much as I do.” She pouts at me again, pulls herself up to my neck and blows hot breath against my ear. I couldn’t be turned off more.
“I don’t need anything from you.” I attempt to move away, but I’m trapped between Stephanie, the fridge and the couple making out next to it.
A group of stumbling girls shove past me and launch me forward, Stephanie’s lips landing on mine. I push my hands against her shoulders to get her the fuck off me, but she bites down on my lip. Hard. Without consciously thinking, I shove her off me and onto the ground. A few people stop what they’re doing to look at us, as Stephanie cries out.
“What the fuck, Callan?” she shouts.
“Don’t ever do that again.” I rub my finger against my lip to see there’s blood.Bitch.
“I just wanted to take care of you.” She lifts herself up from the ground and dusts off her pants.
“I don’t need you to take care of me. Ever. Now get out of my way. I’m here for someone else.” I push past her but before I get too far, I turn back to finish things. “And lose my number.” I continue to look for the only person on my mind right now. Sterling.