Page 15 of Rise & Fall
“He went to the supply store to get more tarps and sandbags. Everyone is freaking out about the rain that’s supposed to hit tomorrow. Just trying to be prepared.” Josh’s phone rings and I nod for him to answer it.
The sky is bright blue today, the sun blazing, and the air is hot. It’s hard to believe we’re supposed to get slammed with storms the next few days.
“Good work, Josh. Where can I help?” I ask when he gets off his call. I pride myself in being available for my men. I like pulling the strings and calling the shots, but I’m not too good to get down and dirty and do what I’m told when needed. Just because I’m the boss doesn’t mean I won’t take direction.
We spend the next few hours setting up frames and monitoring the cement bed that’s been laid on the bottom floor. The sky starts to get dark as clouds start rolling in.
“Shit, we better stop shop and wrap this shit up. ‘Fraid the storm’s gonna come crashing in sooner than the mornin’.” I hear Mitch say from behind me. I turn from my post and see him standing behind me, hands on his utility belt and a look of worry over his face, toothpick in his mouth, and his dirty blonde hair peeking out of his hard hat.
“Brother,” I say reluctantly. But it was inevitable to run into him.
When he confessed to me about the affair with Jessica, he told me he’d quit. Told me he’d leave and I’d never see him again if that’s what I wanted, but I’m not immature. He has a wife and kids. A wife who stayed with him through his infidelity. She’s a lot stronger than I am. I guess that’s what true love is? But I don’t buy that shit one bit.
I told him to grow up and be a man, and to stop sleeping with people’s wives. Other than that, we don’t talk. But I need to be the bigger man here.
“Wanna give me a hand? We need to get that cement covered as soon as possible. Bags need to be stacked around the frame,” I offer my helping hand. Together we work with the other guys to get everything wrapped up tight to prepare for the rain. Hopefully, it’s good enough.
Before I know it, I look at my phone and I notice it’s five minutes till three.Shit. I’m gonna be late picking up Aria.
I do the only thing I think of and dial DJ’s number, thankful she answers on the first ring.
“Hello?” It’s been such a busy and stressful day. Her raspy voice soothes all those worries away as she speaks into the speaker.But why?
“Hey, DJ. I’m so sorry to do this, but I’m behind in picking up Aria. Are you able to scoop her up for me? I can send you my address and you can meet me there if you don’t mind?” I’m hoping this isn’t too much for her. I really dropped the ball here.
“Of course, I can do that. See you soon.” I can almost hear her smile as she speaks.
I hang up the phone and finish cleaning up before rushing to my place. I really hope Aria doesn’t hate me for nearly forgetting her.
“Where’smydaddyat?”Aria questions as we follow the GPS, taking us to Nolan’s house.
Deep breaths, DJ.
I was nervous when he called me. I’d already been at the school, but my brain was scrambled from when I packed a bag for Em and me. I made sure we both had swimsuits, even though I knew I probably wouldn’t be swimming. And I had to pack her an overnight bag for her dad’s house. I’ve never done that before, so I was so focused on trying to make sure I grabbed everything she needed. I also needed to make sure I was ready for work tonight. So it’s safe to say that I was a big ball of nerves.
I should have never agreed to this playdate.
“He was running late at work, and he asked me to pick you up,” I respond. I can tell she’s a bit nervous considering this has never happened before. But I don’t fault Nolan, shit happens. I’m just glad he thought to call me.
I look in the rearview mirror as I drive down Main Street—the school is nearly a straight shot to Nolan’s minus a few turns—and I notice Aria is chewing on her nails. I used to do that too when I was her age, especially when I felt nervous. Her long brown hair is a shade darker than Em’s and I can see her big brown eyes reflect just as dark as her dad’s—I only know because one look from his and I was a puddle. I’ve never felt such an instant attraction like that, especially from a set of eyes. Which is another reason why I’m a ball of chaotic nerves; the tell is that I amalsochewing on my nails.
“DJ, today at school I saw Ethan pick his nose and eat hisburgers. It was sooooo gross.” The girls laugh in unison in the backseat of my Jeep, and I’m grateful Em could come up with a distraction for Aria.
“Turn left.” My GPS directs me.
Before I know it I’m pulling into the apartment.
“Your destination is on the right. Arriving at Skyhouse Apartment homes.” I turn off my GPS and park the car in the closest space.
I realize we aren’t more than ten minutes from my own apartment. The building seems to be about fifteen stories high, whereas mine is only about five. The structure is all steel and glass, whereas mine is red and brown brick. And even as the clouds start to cover the sky, the landscaping is bright and green as I look around from inside the car.
“Aria, do you see your daddy’s car?” I ask as I unbuckle my belt.
“Umm…no. But he doesn’t drive a car.” She shrugs her shoulders sweetly as her eyes scan the surrounding area.