Page 58 of Rise & Fall
Your ex is here. He seems a little drunk. He’s freaking people out. You might wanna come down here.
That’sthemessageIgot from Barbie nearly an hour ago. She’s one of the girls I work with. We’re not super close, but we do get along and have chatted on occasion. Usually, she works the day shifts and I hardly see her unless we’re in passing.
But tonight she’s working the mid shift; I’m on my way in for the night shift and trouble is already looming.
I pull my Jeep into the closest parking spot, the bar is busy. It usually is on Friday nights. I decide to go in through the employee entrance in the back hoping I can catch Barbie before I walk into whatever shipwreck of a scene is being caused.
After having the best week of my life, this is the last thing I want to walk into, especially after Nolan and I pretty much became exclusive a few nights ago on the best date of my life…so I guess we’re in a relationship now. And I haven’t been able to remove the cheesy smile off my face since.
And the rest of my week was filled with little girl laughs, taking Emsley to every ice cream shop we could manage. We went to the Museum of Space on Wednesday, the park on Thursday, where we met up with Nolan and Aria—held hands for all of two seconds before the girls started to act grossed out—and then Em and I had movie night with Mom and Dex.
And now, I’m here. About to have the whole thing ruined on a Friday night because…Asher is in town? But how?
I walk frantically through the hall leading to the breakroom, I turn the corner and I see Barbie.
“Red! Girl, he is a loose cannon. Threatening Steve that if you don’t show up, he’ll break every bottle of liquor in this place. What the fuck is his problem?” Barbie is a petite little thing. She’s got blonde hair, blue eyes and looks like the type to thrive on situations like this honestly. She’s one of those girls who shows up to work and would rather talk trash than take it out.
I appreciate her warning, but I’m sure she’s enjoying this.
“He really said that?” I ask, looking around for Steve, our boss.
“Yeah, Steve doesn’t want the cops called. But he’s being real gross out there. Super messy. You were engaged to him?” She gestures a fake gag reflex as she covers her mouth.
I stuff my things into my locker. “Not my proudest moment,” I admit.
“Thought you said he lived in a different state?” she asks.
I recall our brief conversation not long ago when we made small talk to each other. She told me about some of her home life—single, one kid, in her early thirties, and can eat her weight in tacos. I then told her some things similar—was engaged, now single, or at least I was, no kids but have been thinking a lot more lately about maybe wanting to be a mom, about to turn twenty-four soon, and can also eat my weight in tacos.
“He does,” I answer her question as I turn to exit the room. “Thanks for giving me a heads up,” I tell Barbie before leaving.
“Oh girl, I’m not far behind,” she says, nearlyJackSparrow-ingbehind me.
I get to the lobby of the bar. Lights, music and people fill up the small space. But I hear him before I see him.
Asher. How the fuck did he even get out here. And how did he know where I worked?
People are telling him to shut up, trying to get him to calm down. Most people are trying to ignore him.
“She better be here in seven minutes. I’m not playing man; I’ll throw that bottle of tequila at that ridiculously huge TV.” Asher’s voice is slurred and loud. I know he’s been drinking. But for how long? He had to have been here since the bar opened at three.
“Red! Thank God. This man claims to know you. I don’t want to call the cops, but I will if he doesn’t settle down.” My boss looks at me, more annoyed than angry which is good, because I like this job and I don’t need Asher ruining that too.
“Who the fuck is Red?” Asher turns around and that’s when he sees me.
I recognize his eyes; I’ve looked into them for nearly five years. But I don’t recognizehim. He’s scruffy, his facial hair out of control and his dirty blonde hair is flattened to his forehead. His clothes are wrinkled, and I can smell him from here.
“Boo bear, I’ve missed you!” He throws his arms in the air and smiles at me. I’m repulsed immediately.What the fuck is he doing here?
I hold my hands out in front of me to stop him from coming toward me. “Can you get him some water?” I look over at Steve who nods willingly, filling up a glass of water.
Barbie joins our boss behind the bar, grabbing the bottle of alcohol Asher somehow acquired and putting it away.
“Asher,” I say as I walk towards him. Everyone around us now seems to be focused on the TVs or their conversations as Asher has quieted down. “We need to leave the bar. But I need you to drink that water.” I point behind him as I close the space between us. I’m hesitant because I don’t want him to touch me.
Steve leaves the cup of water and Asher looks behind him and grabs it. He sloppily slurps it down. I approach the bar as Asher sits on the stool.