Page 16 of Patchwork Pixie
“Mr. Kensington sent him to me today, and if he is plotting and scheming, then I may enjoy myself a bit, right?” The stunned faces made her doubt herself. “Is it not the right thing?”
She suddenly wasn’t sure about the agreement. “I could call him back and cancel.”
Leon shook his head. “I haven’t seen you genuinely smile in years. Go skating. You love it and need more things to love.”
Grey sighed. “You do. I will be talking to Dane. He made some assumptions that have now been corrected. There may be an apology in your future.”
“I will just be content to be at the holiday meal without him scowling at me. Wait. Were the assumptions about money?”
Grey gave her a sad look that spoke volumes.
“Oh. He didn’t know.”
James muttered, “We didn’t think we needed to tell the kids you were self-sustaining. Dane thought you were bleeding us dry, and we bought your condo.”
“Oh. Well, that explains the introduction to Tanner. He does look good on paper.”
“It seems that Tanner’s rougher habits were well-known,” Derrik muttered.
“Oh. Well, that is unfortunate.” She checked her phone, and there was the second text with the address and some emojis that seemed to be a dancing lady and an eggplant. She snorted.
James asked, “You aren’t upset about Dane?”
“I am absolutely furious. My soul is howling with rage and pain, yet my fury does me no good right now. So, I will focus on the future and discard the past, but he’s no longer family to me, so that is one less present to give at the holidays.”
Grey sighed and leaned back, nodding. “That is generous of you.”
“And I will stop working in the shop as soon as he takes the reins.”
The men around the table froze.
“Oh, has that already happened? I will quit then and bum around on my savings. I don’t want to make myself uncomfortable anymore.”
Leon said, “He hasn’t taken over the shop. We were surprised because we know you like working there.”
“Oh. Okay. I will return tomorrow morning then.”
They all relaxed.
“Well, if I am going to be out of here at four thirty, I had better get the dishes done and then get to bed.”
Derrik chuckled. “Do you need us to tuck you in?”
“No. Thank you. I have recovered from outward displays of my upset.”
They looked disappointed.
She blinked. “Oh. Well, sure. I guess.”
Leon smiled. “It makes us feel like we are doing something.”
“Ah. Okay.” She paused. “So, I can do the dishes now?”
Leon grinned. “Yes. And bring in dessert.”
“Wait. There was dessert? And you let me yammer on?” She shook her head as she gathered the plates. “Yeesh. You are getting old.”
Leon laughed. “I still need secrets.”