Page 18 of Patchwork Pixie
She finished her cake and sipped at her coffee. “Does anyone mind if Dane meets his actual cousin the next time I see him? I wanna spook him a little. I am old enough. I don’t think they are still looking for me.”
James smiled. “I think I would like to see that.”
She laughed. “You can take a picture while his jaw is hanging.”
Derrik changed the subject. “So, Ruby, we took your advice and have corporate accounts at the shop now.”
“That’s nice.”
“Yeah, a few of them even have a chocolate gift table at events now.”
“Cool. I am assuming that the shop charges for it.”
“Of course. So, are you still a size twelve?” He raised his brows.
“I am down to a ten, but I hope to get back to normal soon. Apparently, I was under stress.” She looked at him. “Why?”
“Dress for the table attendants is black tie, and one of our regulars injured her leg. She can’t stand there in heels all night.”
“Regular what?”
“Table attendants. Folks come to you on their way out with a claim ticket, and they get their custom chocolate.”
She grimaced. “When is this blissful event going to happen?”
James began to list off events, and she was shocked.
“Uncle James. I won’t have time to breathe.”
“Isn’t that the idea?”
“Yeah, but... So, up to three times a week?”
“Yeah, for the next six weeks unless you have another engagement.”
She snorted. “It’s going to be a fun holiday. I suppose, if I have to, I can slack at the shop.”
Grey looked at her. “I beg your pardon?”
“Just kidding. It is the best part of the day. I always love it when kids and adults comment on my spatula technique.” Ruby grinned.
They spent the next half hour talking about the shop and projected sales for the holidays, the parades, and other events.
She finished her coffee, and Grey shocked them all when he said, “I will tidy up. You have an early morning.”
“Thank you, Uncle Grey. I am just going to go to the garage and check for my skate bag in the overhang. That is where I last saw it.”
Derrik said, “It’s in your closet. Just in case you ever needed to use it again.”
Warmth filled her. “Thank you, Uncles. I will try and sort myself out.”
“No rush. It will be nice to see you for solstice.” Leon smiled.
“It will be nice to be seen.” She smiled, and James met her gaze. He was just figuring out that she hadn’t been invited to any family events since she left. Dane always did the invitations.
She headed up the stairs and looked at her skates. They had been sharpened. With a sigh, she sat on the small chair in her room and tried them on with the guards in place. They were tight. The size she had given Rayden was a size larger. She had continued to grow after she was forced to quit the team.
She got her lacer and checked the bag for her tape and pads. Nostalgia overwhelmed her for a moment, and then she crawled into bed and settled in. Her uncles all came to tuck her in and kiss her on her forehead. There was more care in the gesture than she had felt the night before, but she felt relief that they came to her after the revelations of the day.