Page 23 of Patchwork Pixie
Coach frowned and looked at Ruby. “He...”
“Isn’t being a grownup fun? All the danger and none of the protection.”
“But, your uncles...”
“Complicated.” She gave him a calm look. “So, go and run the rehearsal, and I will be waiting for Pinky to appear.”
She smiled and said, “I am assuming that you wanted me to start today, right?”
“Yes, please.”
“Is everyone a volunteer?”
“Yes, from different skate clubs around the country. Participating is considered an honour. We auditioned in August.” He smiled. “Hundreds of applicants for forty roles. Heady stuff.”
“In that case, isn’t there a second-row applicant who actually deserves this spot?”
“No one deserves it more than you. You never got to be in it yourself, after all.”
“Timing never lined up, and then you threw the hissy fit.”
“If you are willing to do this, I am going to be the best coach and best director and get you a huge bouquet of flowers on opening night.”
“Pink pixies rule. I am putting it on a tee shirt. Maybe a sweatshirt.”
“I will do it for you.” He sighed. “I owe you that.”
“Yeah, yeah. People misunderstand me. I will get in place and be a good pixie.”
She skated out among the men and women of the pixie village.
She grinned. “Hiya. I am Pink.”
She met Green, Red, Purple, Orange, Yellow, Blue, and Patchwork, who were the primary pixies. Others were in glittery cream. When they were ready, they got to their places, and the music played. Ruby grinned and went out to fishtail around one of the male pixies, flirting with him as her character, and she heard growling again.
She flipped a finger to the trolls and sashayed around her male again before they started dancing in couples. Patchwork tried to draw their attention to the flickering magic flame that was dying out, and they ignored her.
Ruby knew every step and dance and giggle. The dance went by in record time, and the happy pixies circled their friend as she made a treaty with the trolls.
She laughed and smiled with the pixies then skated off and grabbed a troll’s hand to dance in celebration. Pink led the snake of pixies and trolls in a huge serpent, and finally, Patchwork and her troll joined the line. Pink pulled them into a circle, and from there, they went around a few times and then lined up for their final bows.
The coach said, “Ten minutes, and we go again.”
Steffy was panting. “Really? That was the first official run-through. Ruby, why do you look so fresh?”
“Oh. I have tons of stamina. I get muscle aches for a day and then move on.” She stretched and smiled. She checked her watch and sighed. “I don’t have time for a second run-through. The chocolate shop is running a bit behind for the holidays.”
That led to a bunch of questions, but she managed to keep from disclosing which shop and that it was blatant nepotism that had gotten her the job. Grey had insisted she learn to do something if she couldn’t go for gold. It wasn’t a bad skill to have.
She walked over to where the coach was talking with Rayden. The coach turned to her. “Can you tell him he can’t growl every time another guy touches you?”
Ruby looked at Rayden. “You can’t do that. Do you have a rolled-up newspaper, Coach?”
Rayden’s eyes went wide.
“No, but I have my tablet.”
“Permission to smack him on the nose with it?” She looked at them both blandly.