Page 39 of Patchwork Pixie
She blushed. “Uh, yeah.”
Rayden stroked her neck with his fingertips, and she turned to him. He cupped her jaw, and when he kissed her, he must have figured out what was going on because his fang grazed her, and then she was tasting apples. Crisp, cool apples. The motion of his tongue inside her mouth was slow, and she leaned up toward him because it felt better than nice.
She felt the curve of his lips as he smiled. She knew it was relief. She eased away, and he rubbed his thumb across her lips. Ruby looked to Kensington. “Was that enough to start a link?”
He smiled. “It’s a start. It’s a very good start.”
Rayden groaned. “Two weeks of practice is going to kill me.”
“The troll prince doesn’t have any scenes with the pink pixie.” She smiled.
“No, but he really wants to.”
“Tough.” She grinned.
He hugged her, and they heard more cursing outside. It seemed that Emmy hadn’t made it out of the gallery.
The door opened, and a shrieking and cursing Emmy was in Lebor’s grip. She was back to her elf form, and her dress was defying the bounds of propriety. Her breasts were nearly out, and the new cocktail dress was way up. Lebor said, “Lady, gentlemen, may I have the room to discuss things with my mate?”
Emmy’s heel thudded into his leg, and he merely grunted.
Ruby asked, “Emmy?”
“Go on. I can zap him as soon as there aren’t any other folks around,” Emmy muttered.
Ruby grabbed the hands of Rayden and Mr. Kensington and charged out of the green room, shrinking to her beta form as she did so. She had to catch her dress to keep it from falling.
“Okay, Mr. Kensington, can I keep your jacket a bit longer?”
“Please call me Marshall, and yes.”
“Okay, Marshall, I need to see what is left of the chocolate station.”
He chuckled and walked with her to the discreetly covered table with the business cards on it. The business cards were gone, displays were empty, but no weird smears or marks of chocolate around.
She looked behind the table and snagged her purse. “Well, that is what I was most concerned about.”
Ruby looked around. “I guess I should get going. This was an invitation-only event.”
Rayden murmured, “We have invitations.”
She looked around. “I never thought to see this many dark Elite, not to mention Elite omegas.”
Marshall smiled. “They are all Keres. Every one of them is Achilles’ mate.”
“Did she pose for them all?”
“From what the cards say, he did most of them from memory.”
The glorious elf with chocolate at the corners of her mouth said, “We got together four years ago but didn’t stay together at that time. Now, he finally has a part-time muse, and I have a guy who is good with his hands.”
Dante was grinning, and Achilles was staring at Keres like she was the most precious thing in the world.
Dante looked to Marshall. “So, you have found a woman you can convince as well.”
“I am trying, but there are complications that will have to be worked through. I can confirm the company’s tickets to the ice dance performance.”
Rayden grinned. “I am going to be an amazing troll prince.”