Page 45 of Patchwork Pixie
He laughed. “It is okay for me. I get a contact high with you just being near me. It’s amazing, soothing, and arousing all at the same time.”
“On my end, I was able to sleep without climbing under the bed. So that’s good.”
“You get dressed, and I will make you breakfast. Rayden will drive you to the arena.”
“Why? Oh. I left my car at the pack house.” She winced.
“That, and Rayden lost his shit when I let him know you had agreed to come here for the interim.”
“I am going to need my car to get to and from work.”
“Your car will be brought to the chocolate store so that you can get back here tonight.”
“Who do you know that can fit in my car?”
He grinned. “There are ladies in our building who can do it, and some of the guys would do it as well. It is one of the perks of having assistants.”
She snorted and finished her coffee. She grabbed her clothes from her suitcase and headed to the bathroom. She popped out again. “I forgot to bring my shampoo and stuff. May I use your stuff?”
He smiled. “I would be honoured if you had my scent on you.”
She opened her mouth and closed it with a snap then ducked back into the bathroom. This was going to be a long set of weeks; she just wished she could get the smile off her face.
Scrambled eggs and sausage with orange juice and more coffee made for a hefty breakfast, but it was welcome. She smiled. “I thought you would have a housekeeper or something.”
“I hire staff if I have to host something, but in general, I take care of myself. Like many of my kind, my scent can be distracting for people at close quarters.”
Ruby blinked. “Oh. Right. It works on males and females?”
“Usually. Canines have also followed me in parks. I need you to defend my honour.”
She smirked. “You are on your own. Thank you for breakfast.”
“My pleasure.”
There was a soft knock, and then the front door opened. Rayden walked in with a cocky smile.
She looked at Marshall. “You gave him a key?”
Marshall snorted. “No. He can unlock things.”
Ruby touched her head. “Right.”
Rayden grinned. “Ready to go?”
“Yeah. I suppose.”
“Contain your enthusiasm.” He chuckled and helped her to her feet. “If you manage to enjoy yourself, I will take you for donuts.”
“Don’t tease.”
He laughed and bent to kiss her. They didn’t touch anywhere other than their lips, but the slow tasting he was treating her to was hypnotic. She tried to reciprocate, but relaxing into him was just easier. It was a lovely way to start the day.
He lifted his head, and she went up on her toes toward him before she thudded to her heels.
Marshall was standing and wearing his pyjama bottoms and holding his coffee. She blinked. It was like she hadn’t seen him before. She looked at Rayden, who was looking smug and sexy. She blinked and rubbed her forehead.Sexy?Sure, he was handsome, but she never thought of people as sexy.
Marshall said, “Rayden, ease up. Don’t go too fast.”