Page 48 of Patchwork Pixie
“Um, no. I will save it for when you drop Patchwork. No dropping the pixies.”
He smiled. “They took the lifts out of the program. Since I am not trained, and Patchwork isn’t trained, there will simply be a few spins and some escorting.”
“Well, that sucks.” She sighed. “It takes the magic out of the routines.”
“Would you be willing to show me how to do them?”
“Uh. I guess I could. We would have to do them on the practice area before being on the ice.”
He grinned, and she was getting the idea that she had played into his hands. He finished tying her laces, kissed her knee, and then stood and went to get his own skates on.
She walked over to the heavily matted area and looked around. The arena was gleaming softly with the hard ice after a good Zamboni clearing.
When Rayden joined her, he listed off the types of lifts listed in the original choreography. When she explained them, he put his hands on her waist and hoisted her into the air. Once there, she had to correct his grip, and then he leaned her back. They worked on that hold. They all started with the initial lift.
She was reclining above his head, draped over his shoulder, and then held under the breast and mid-thigh.
Ruby remembered that alphas were the preferred skating partners for a reason. He held her up easily.
He looked at her eagerly. “Now can we try on the ice?”
“Sure. Just so you know, Patchwork might not be confident in your hold.”
“I don’t want to lift her; I want to lift you. You love this, and I want to be something that you enjoy when we aren’t just alone.”
She blushed. “There is something so freeing about it. The speed, the feeling of air against my skin, the fun costumes.”
He grinned. “I have seen the designs for this production. You are going to enjoy the costumes.”
“They change with every year. It’s part of the fun. That is why I named the pixies by colour. This could even be an all-male or all-female show.”
He wagged his brows. “Would you like to hit the ice?”
“Yeah. I know how to take a fall.”
“I won’t drop you.” His expression was solemn.
“Let’s try a simple lift.” She smirked. “I need to admit that I never did this kind of thing either. I was always a soloist. I just loved how the lifts looked, so I put them in the choreography after discussing them with other team members.”
“Well, do you want to try it?” There was challenge in his gaze.
She nodded. “Yeah, I do.”
He held her hand as they walked to the ice and stepped on. Soft, romantic music played, and she skated with him until they were gliding around and had found their rhythm. His hands wrapped her waist, and he lifted her, balancing her quickly as she was just held in front of him.
He laughed. “Not as easy as it looks.”
“You are doing well.”
“You, too. Now, up we go.”
He lifted her above his head, and she arched her back and bent her leg. They spun slowly, and he set her down.
“That was too easy.” She frowned. “It’s supposed to be harder. Did you cheat?”
“No, I just have a well-balanced partner.” He smiled. “I will enjoy you wearing your own body more when you are comfortable with it.”
She sighed. “Yeah, me, too. It’s hard to find clothes, but I know a tailor.”