Page 60 of Patchwork Pixie
The doctor sighed and smiled. “Heavy pheromones are usually found in the males.”
“I showered; I swear.” Ruby peeked at the doctor.
The doctor’s eyes were warm. “I know, Ruby, but there is a scent that is more than you. It crosses the blood-brain barrier and makes me want to keep you close. Aside from that, I have no idea what I would do with you.”
“And that would cause frustration, which would be an issue.”
Rayden nodded. “No worries here, Ruby. You are safe with us.”
Ruby nodded and leaned her head against his shoulder. “Stop by the billing desk, and we can be on our way.”
Marshall chuckled. “I called in the car. The billing is set up.”
Rayden carried her, and she asked, “Wait. You can do that?”
“We are dark Elite. We can do wondrous and mysterious things.” He winked.
She snorted. “Well, now that I know that Elite is a fancy word for elf, I find things a lot less wondrous.”
“Ruby, we are just getting started.”
Marshall chuckled. “Nothing like a mate who wants to be impressed.”
Ruby smiled. “You two look like you need a challenge.”
They chuckled and were on their way. She was settled in Marshall’s car with the seat reclined for comfort and fell asleep on the way home.
Ruby woke feeling warm and relaxed but restricted. She looked around and saw Rayden holding her with his hand flat on her belly.
“Wow. Unexpected.”
He chuckled. “Marshall had to do something with his briefs.”
She smiled and settled against him. “So, you were confined at the Stronghold?”
“Yes. They built cells out of a stone that was enchanted to absorb energy. We just had to remain there and act like a solar battery. Passive power. They trained their new Elite to use the power of the foundations, and that is how they travel and move through the world.”
“So, you come to be dark Elite just by aging?”
“Some do, some just gain pigment in training. We are removed and put in confinement. They drained energy from us, and we were rendered powerless for a time. Then, Achilles’ mate spilled blood through the portal, which shattered the bonds that held us. Several of us left in that first break to make homes and possibly prepare to meet our own mates one day.”
“You need a big house for that?”
Rayden chuckled. “Like any other point in history, wealth helps. It adds comfort and eases the stresses of new partnerships.”
“And the public competition?”
“Adoration fuels us. Marshall gets it in the courtroom and when he is out in public; I get it on the ice.” Rayden chuckled. “We both feel power when folks surrender to our pheromones.”
“Right. Weirdos.”
He laughed and pulled her tight against him. “Your weirdos.”
“Yeah. Not quite claimed but not quite feral.” She yawned.
“How are you feeling?”
“Internally bruised but hungry again. It’s how I recover from stress.”