Page 70 of Patchwork Pixie
Mama smiled. “I will take that into consideration.”
Ruby bowed again, and Polly led the way out of the shop, where they put their shoes back on. Ruby smiled over her shoulder. “Thank you, Mama Tsubaki. Yours has been the first genuine conversation I have had like this. Thank you for not being concerned about my appearance.”
“I have been reading about your kind since I was a child. It is amazing to see you just walking in. Please, come back.”
“I will. Thank you.”
She smiled and slid the door closed before returning to the car. The driver had the trunk open, but she shook her head. “I would like to keep it with me, please.”
He blinked but nodded. “Of course, miss.”
She got back in the car and settled in her seat. Minoru smiled. “Polly says you and Mama Tsubaki got along.”
“She likes my skin.”
He chuckled. “You have omega skin?”
“I do.”
Polly chuckled. “I am a little more on the sturdy side.”
Minoru didn’t reach out to touch her.
Ruby asked, “So you two just ditched three infants to come out for dinner?”
Polly chuckled. “We have an excellent housekeeper and a great nanny. They just about threw us out of the house after checking us for spit-up.”
Ruby laughed.
Minoru smiled and said, “The rest of our children will arrive at a more measured pace.”
“The rest?”
Polly sighed and explained about the capture of her barely fertilized eggs that wouldn’t have been possible if they weren’t who and where they were.
“Oh. Wow. You are going to have a huge family.” Ruby grinned.
Minoru nodded. “It’s a good thing we have a huge home.”
Polly smiled. “Ruby needs to come over for a hot soak.”
Ruby blinked. “What?”
“Our home backs onto a hot spring. When I am not trying to calm the little ones, I like to sneak out and relax in silence.”
They chatted about different events, and Polly spoke about her sister, Olly, and her twins.
When Ruby realized who she was talking about at last, they were back at Marshall’s house. “Wait. Olly Thorn?”
Polly chuckled. “Yeah. Mate to Feng, Taio, and Benjiro.”
Ruby waved them away. “Yeah, fine. She’s amazing.”
Polly smiled. “Tell her that when you meet her.”
“Am I meeting her?”
“She already has tickets for herself and her thunder for the final night.” Polly smiled. “They are bringing the babies and already have seats in the VIP section. Now that the hotel has gotten a block of them, we can all sit together and torture those around us with baby sounds.”