Page 72 of Patchwork Pixie
“Oh, no. Beth is still gonna sue me. She’s that kind of lady. She has to be the victim, so there has to be a villain. With one dead, I am next.”
He looked at her and nodded. “Good point.”
She walked to Polly and pulled her toward the table. “I am not starting on this alone. Wow.”
Polly muttered, “It took a lot of energy to keep Minoru fromhelping. His beast is a little chivalrous when it comes to folks threatening ladies. His claws wouldn’t have been nearly as neat.”
They got the chopsticks and small plates and started in on the array of food. Polly and Ruby both enjoyed the eel and were sitting and chatting when Marshall came by and kissed Ruby’s head before he helped himself to the food. Minoru and Rayden came around the table, and soon, they were all discussing food and the upcoming production.
By the end of the meal, Ruby had a friend, and Polly had a wasabi buddy. They went out back while the alphas were talking, and Polly asked, “Are you close with your sister?”
“I had to leave Emerald when she was nine. Emmy and I were close, but our lives have been... different. We are still sisters though. Down to the bone.” Ruby smiled.
“Is she... like you?”
“Yes. She’s an Elite omega. Big green eyes though.”
Polly smiled. “Wow. That’s just... cool.”
“Great, now say that in Japanese.”
Polly laughed. “Did I tell you that I have an enormous collection of kimonos? Minoru’s family was so excited that he was interested in someone, they provided me with both a dowry and a means of apology in one. Minoru isn’t fond of me cursing, and when we first met, I kicked him in the groin and broke his nose. So I had to do a formal apology, which involved a kimono, so his family provided all of my apology supplies. It was touching and sweet.”
“And showed no faith in your ability to curb the cursing.”
“Fuck yeah!”
They laughed, and then Marshall snuck up behind Ruby and ran his hands over her hips. “Time to remove one.”
She nodded, and he peeled her spandex down on one side and peeled the hormone patch off.
Polly blinked. “What was that?”
“I am going into heat tomorrow, but we want to make sure that Rayden can play in peace, so hormone patches are in place. Well, one less now.”
Polly snorted. “Good luck. My heat after suppression lasted seven days. Poor Minoru was exhausted, and his beast was grinning all the time.”
“Well, this one is a false heat. I will recover from the drop quickly. I always do.”
“You have done this before?”
“Oh, yeah. Elite omegas don’t like to have their uteruses available for occupancy if we don’t have our mates. Regular Elite can sniff us out if they suspect we are nearby. We don’t like that, so we are excellent at hiding as betas.”
Polly nodded. “Right. Why didn’t you turn into a beta when the police showed up?”
“Oh, the main reason is that I was on the camera footage as me.”
The air had a cold bite, so they went back inside.
Inside, Minoru was shaking Marshall’s hand, and Ruby and Polly hugged as that handshake meant the end of the visit.
Polly grinned and waved happily at Ruby. They exchanged numbers and promised that the next playdate would be at Polly’s with the babies.
When the car lights pulled away, Rayden wrapped his arms around her. “Time for bed, little omega.”
She turned in astonishment and blurted, “Little?”