Page 79 of Patchwork Pixie
“Difficult but not impossible.” She let her self-control fade away.
“I have had a lifetime of self-control.” He held her and squeezed her gently.
“So, if I only met one of you, I wouldn’t go off like this?”
“Probably not. Not the first time. Our set has to be together. I have even heard of omegas choosing the wrong mate and him going along with it because... who wouldn’t?”
“Opportunistic fuck?”
“Only one in recorded history. After that, the guys became insistent on turning down the offer.”
“The omega was mortified that she had acted out of lust and her mates caused issues with her previous lover.”
“Oh. Geez. I can see how that would have been a problem. When did that happen?”
“Eight hundred years ago. I am sure it was a scandal at the time.”
She sighed. “I am sure it was. If I were her, I would have kicked their butts. All of them.” Ruby rubbed her thighs together and whined, “How far is he?”
“A few minutes, Ruby. Nearly here.” His low croon soothed her.
“You must think I am ridiculous.”
“No, sweet. Hormones are overtaking you, and letting them out is impossible without our third.”
She paused. “Wait, what?”
He stroked her stomach. “You need us; we need you.”
She shivered.
He turned her and pressed her up against the wall. She wrapped her legs around him, and he kissed her as he slowly rubbed his groin against hers. That was the position they were in when Rayden burst through the door.
Marshall laughed as Ruby reached out for Rayden, and his red-eyed fury calmed the moment her skin touched his. She felt it.
Marshall murmured, “I will take her upstairs. You take your skates off, and we will go.”
Rayden blinked, and Ruby trailed her fingers down his cheek. He bent, and she heard a tearing sound. Rayden grabbed her and held her. He carried her upstairs while Marshall explained something to him. Neither of them was listening.
Ruby was kissing him relentlessly while he clawed off his uniform.
Her back hit the bed, and she heard growling, which caused her mind to go blank and her body to get slick. She was surrounded, caressed, and then she was mated.
She whispered into the slightly illuminated darkness. “Can we do that when I can remember it?”
Marshall kissed her while Rayden groaned against her back. Marshall lifted his lips from hers. “We can do that whenever you want, but we are going to have to hydrate first. You nearly killed us.”
She gripped his arm. “You are okay?”
Rayden muttered, “I am a delighted dead man. You took out my rut in a few hours. How are you, love?”
She shivered at the thought of being someone’slove.“Achy, sweaty, and wondering what time it is.”
Marshall chuckled and moved to one side. The curtains drew back, and the bright morning was exposed. “It’s about eleven. We will be at your uncle’s home on time.”
Ruby looked at the hands still on her skin and sighed, lying down. “Thanks for the protection.”