Page 87 of Patchwork Pixie
“Not that we know of, but they remained in the area for a few weeks before disappearing until I changed. That was when my mom said that if I was ever scared, I should just hide in a safe place until I was ready to come out.”
Emmy sighed. “Ruby was always more emotional than me. She didn’t have anyone to protect her like I did. Jasper was always the only boy trying to fit in. Then he was gone, and she was my brother and my sister, and she was very good at it.”
Ruby ducked her head.
Emmy reached out and took her hand. The spark that moved between them was gentle, and Ruby smiled. “I wonder if any of the dark Elite control lightning?”
Rayden said softly, “None that are in town. Why?”
“I think that either someone with electricity or is there one made of wool that can drive up the spark?” Ruby smirked.
Marshall shook his head. “Aside from Lebor, there is only one who could be her match. Lebor has already called him.”
Emmy’s cheeks turned pink. “Oh, right. He muttered something about that when I refused to stay the night. It just felt weird, you know? Lopsided.”
Ruby nodded. “I get that.” She reached up and stroked her braid tucked behind her ear. “Marshall was the first guy I was attracted to, and Rayden was the first to flirt with me. He unravelled me and locked me up at the same time. I am hoping for the same but different for you.”
Emmy smiled. “I get it. What’s with the braid?”
Marshall chuckled. “It is our version of a wedding ring. As the biting we engage in is mainly for enjoyment, she has a braid, I have one, and Rayden has one. Each lock was marked with our blood and then woven together. Now, they are indestructible.”
Ruby grinned. “Mine was a pain in the ass. My hair is long. Really long.”
Rayden chuckled. “We had to take turns.”
Leon snorted a laugh. Ruby flipped him off, and then she yawned, and Marshall cuddled her, easing her from Rayden and stroking her cheek.
She yawned again and dozed. Leon asked, “Why is she so tired?”
Rayden held her hand. “She’s on a different schedule with new activities. She’s adapting.”
Her uncles froze. Leon asked, “Why are you here? Don’t you need to rest?”
“I needed to be here because this was a family meal, and we were finally meeting with all the masks off. It was really nice, but after the next heat, I am going to take a time out. That will be one that counts.”
Leon blinked. “Why not this one?”
Marshall explained about the hormones, the non-hormonal birth control methods, and the short but blazing heat.
Ruby turned her head to his chest, and when he was too forthcoming, she bit him. Emmy cackled.
Rayden murmured, “You are missing dessert.”
Ruby lifted her head, and Rayden held a spoonful of trifle toward her. She took the mouthful, and her eyes got wide. She looked at Uncle Grey, and he coloured. He was the best pastry chef in the family, but he had not been allowed to pursue it once his alpha nature manifested. It was why he had bought the candy shop for Leon. It satisfied something in him. He had provided the basic recipes, and Ruby had tweaked them into the frantic sellers they were today. He also made the best trifle in the family.
Rayden was having far too much fun feeding her, so she had to stop him from getting another serving. “Dude, I am just about in a food coma. I have five minutes before I curl up against Marshall and fall asleep.”
Rayden laughed. “You fight sleep too often, and you are going to burn a ton of calories starting tomorrow. So, if I cheated, forgive me.”
She sighed and got a set of tickets out of her purse. “Slide these to Dane. Dane, ask Nia out for the premiere as a friend. Buy her some fun food, laugh when the pixies fall on their butts, and cheer for me and Rayden as we take our final bows. Trust me, it will go a long way. If you mean it, it will go even further. When you are done, take her to her car, kiss her cheek, and tell her you look forward to seeing her again when the time is right. Making yourself agreeable at close range is your next objective, and if it becomes a natural thing to want to see her happy, you can kiss her. Anything else and... well... you know.”
Dane nodded and looked at the tickets. “VIP box for an afternoon matinee?”
“Yeah. I wasn’t kidding. It’s going to be crawling with kids. I kept the first performance tickets for a new chance at making someone happy. While I am always willing to beat you down from now on, this is my offer to lift you up.”
Dane took his phone out and smiled. “I will take it.”
He took the two tickets and got up to make a call.