Page 92 of Patchwork Pixie
Green sighed. “She said that she makes Elites sad, so she left. She will be back for the evening performance.”
Ruby started to eat. “Do you know why she’s sad?”
“Oh. She said she found her mate and tried to show herself to him, but he got a look at her face and was grossed out. He rejected her. It sucks really. Why are guys so fucking fussy?”
Rayden paused. “She said she repulsed him?”
“Yeah. He couldn’t stand her face.”
“Then it wasn’t her mate. It could have been a sibling. There are a few sibling sets that made it out during one of the escapes.”
Green sighed. “Whatever it is, she’s sad. She’s also scared that she’s going to frighten people during the last show. Something happens to her during the solstice. Things get bright.”
Ruby blinked. “Oh. Okay. You’ve seen it?”
“The neighbours used to think it was fireworks, so she started to do it in a cave outside the city.”
“She’s not worried about Elite?”
Green nibbled at a cupcake. “She says that those whiney bastards piss themselves when they see her, so no.”
Ruby stared. “Right.”
“No more questions about my auntie. She’s a good person, and people like her.” Green finished her cupcake.
The audience went crazy with shining eyes and bright smiles for the cast and crew. Once again, the hooded narrator disappeared.
Ruby sighed as the pattern went through day after day. News from Leon and the pack was good. He had been slammed into a heat and was fairly confident he was pregnant.
In the final performance, alphas and their families filled the audience. The narrator shook them to their cores, and when the final bows were being given, something new happened. Light. Everywhere.
Ruby turned and looked at the bright column of the narrator as she sent a blast of light skyward. Every colour she could name and some she couldn’t blast into the starry sky.
When the song ended, the light faded. The narrator should have come out to take her bow with the other crew, but she disappeared.
Green emerged from the back, and she pushed her aunt forward while the crowd applauded hard and cheered. The tall woman was trying to get away from the attention, but Green and then Rayden held her so she could take her bow.
The last task of the evening was a wrap party hosted at a local hotel.
Ida grabbed the narrator and hauled her to the back, her boots sliding easily along the ice. Ruby and Rayden bowed one more time, and then they headed to the back to remove their skates and get ready for the party.
A success deserved to be celebrated.
Ruby stood next to Rayden and Marshall while the cast and crew filed in. It was fun to see them in formal wear for the holiday party, but when the narrator came in with Green, everyone froze.
She was wearing a sheath dress studded with gems like a midnight sky. A matching midnight blue mask covered her face on her left side. Her hair hung to her ankles, bound in dozens of ponytails that wove into an elaborate cape. She was spectacular, and Green was grinning at her side.
She walked slowly to Ruby and said in her amazing voice, “Happy holidays, Ruby. I am Meira. My niece is Genevieve.”
Marshall moved slowly and extended his hand to hers. “Lady Meira, Scourge of the Elite, may I make some introductions?”
She hesitated. “I despise spectacle and hate embarrassment.”
“This will not embarrass you, lady. I swear it.”
He walked her over to where two men stood, their black skin gleaming and their formal clothing denoting Asian origins. One was in a kimono, and the other looked like he was wearing a hanfu from centuries earlier or from Chinese dramas.
Ruby watched and cried a little as one of the men, who was related to the hotel owner, bent down to press his forehead to Meira’s pale hand. The other dark Elite kissed her mask and carefully removed it, kissing his way down Meira’s face. He did it again, and Meira touched her cheek. He pulled her hand away and kissed her again.